Next morning

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Harry and Ginny were sleeping in Percy's room with their young son Albus. The door slowly opened, a hooded figure was coming in holding something between it's fingers. It moved very slowly to where Albus was sleeping. Harry woke up yelled at the intruder "Get away from my Son!!" He started shooting curses and spells at the hooded figure. Harry curses missed when the inruder was trying to move away from his wand range, but Ginny also made a grab for her wand at the night stand and started shooting with him. "STOP IT HARRY, GINNY! ITS ME" they heard hermione say. She was hit by a full body binding hex and dropped to the floor.

Everyone woke up and headed to the married couples room with wands clutched in their hands. They saw Harry helping Hermione up and ginny unbinding her while apologizing.

"I was  going to give Albus the potion and didn't want to wake you up."

"I'm really sorry Hermione I thought u were a deatheater, I just panicked i guess."

"I understand don't worry, here is the bottle, give it to him." She gave ginny the bottle and Harry helped her to her room. On the way out he saw young harry holding his wand and remembered he left his own back in the room. 'I really should keep it on me' old harry thought to himself.

After everyone saw no real danger, they went back to bed. Young ginny was still in the room looking at Albus, while his mother woke him up.

"Are you happy with your life?" Young Ginny asked, she knew she sounded cruel, but she had to make sure that's what she wanted. In the future at least.

The mother was holding her beautiful son close to her chest after giving him the potion and rocking him back to sleep. She looked at the young girl and smiled at her. "We don't become our mother you know. We do everything we ever wanted and we still do. The kids don't hold us back, they motivate us. And yes, I'm extremely happy in my life with my 3 kids and perfect husband."  She finished with a satisfied sigh, she wanted to reassure her young self that what she did and what she's doing is everything she wanted. She then said under her breath something about being happier once they returned home.

Ginny didn't hear the last part, she smiled widely at the scene in front of her. Then she left for her room satisfied with the answer she got. For the first time since the travellers got here, she felt happy, really happy.


Hermione motioned for Harry to sit on the bed next to her, she held his hand tightly but she didn't say anything, she could always tell when he wasn't feeling like himself and she always knew how to confort him. He looked at her after a few minutes, kissed her on her forehead and wished her a good night.


In the morning Albus was all better, there was no sign of him ever being sick. He got out of his bed and snuggled next to his parents. Jamie and Lily came in and saw sleeping on the bed, Lily got jealous and Jamie smirked mischievously as they both ran and jumped on the bed waking them up.

Harry and Ginny made a grab for their wands, as they realized it was their kids laughing and giggling, they relaxed. Ginny grinned and Harry knew what this grin meant "No Ginny, don't even think about it" he said smiling at his wife.

Ginny yelled standing on the bed, "PILLOW FIGHTTT, MOMMY'S TEAM IS WINNINGGG" and she hit harry with a pillow making him fall off the bed laughing.

The kids were laughing at their daddy, as he recovered, grabbed another pillow and made a growling sound "I'M GETTING WHO EVER IS LAUGHING AT MEE!" In a funny evil laugh. The kids ran out of the room laughing and giggling.

Ginny fell on the bed when harry grabbed her ankle and dragged her underneath him. "You little evil player." He said pinning her under him.

She smirked at him, moving her fingers on his torso. Harry looked deep into her eyes, then at her lips, lowered himself to kiss her.

She flipped him over and was now on top of his body grinning widely "Works everytime."

"Not fair, you always distract me." He said as she flipped her long ginger hair to the side, and locked their lips together for a long passionate kiss.

They broke apart without anyone knocking on the door, calling their names, or hearing something break. They looked at each other uncertain, that hasn't happened since a long time, they were almost always interrupted.

They both checked their clothing, making sure they are modest, then went downstairs to check on the kids. They arrived to the kitchen with everyone sitting around the table waiting for breakfast. James was sitting between the twins, Albus was with Aunt Hermione and Lily was in Ginny's lap telling young Hermione about her bestfriend Hugo. Where Hermione was blushing and stealing glanced at Ron.

Harry sat down saying good morning to the whole family. Ginny went to help her mother prepare breakfast. Bill was telling Arthur about the enchantments he was going to add around the Burrow, Harry joined the conversation and asked Bill if he can join and help him. Bill agreed and welcomed him, saying that he was thinking to do that at night time after dinner, and harry agreed because it's harder for people to see them at night.


Ron was pacing around his house, his kids were taking a nap. And he kept going around their rooms checking on them. He was stressed out and couldn't stay at one place. His wife was in 1996. In the past. Around Voldemort. Again. NOT SAFE. He was losing his mind thinking about her safety. Not only his wife but his sister, his bestfriends and their kids also.

He heard a knock at the door, only to find George looking at him. He looked disappointed, why did he expect? Hermione to be back this soon? He knew it's going to take at least a week. But u can't blame him for being hopeful. "Sorry to disappoint you brother!" George said sarcastically, but in a sad voice.

They sat down together not saying anything, finally George broke the silence, "do you want to follow her there?"

"I can't." As much as Ron wanted to follow his wife, as much as he wanted to be with her in a scary time, he knew he can't leave, she can take care of herself, Harry will take care of her. The kids needs him. Baby Rose and Baby Hugo needs their daddy to be with them while mommy is away. It was his turn to wait for her, instead of her waiting for him.

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