The Burrow

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《 1726》

I want to thank my first Comment and Vote in this story to the beautiful

Seeing my first notification and reactions for this story really made me happy and i wanted to express that.


The train rolled into Kings Cross Station precisely at eight. Ginny saw her parents waiting eagerly, they hadn't brought along any of her brothers, for which she was thankful. Taking a deep breath, Ginny turned hopefully to her brother.

"Ron, please, can you go... explain everything to them? Please?" Ginny begged. "Someone has to stay here until everyone leaves."

"No way I-" Ron caught Harry expression. "Fine. They're not going to believe me, Hermione, come with me. You can tell no lies." Ron rolled his eyes.

"This is serious! Stop joking around!" Ginny said as she gently prodded her sleeping children.

"Yeah, Yeah, I know."

Ginny looked out the window to see a nearly empty train station and her father. He was doubled over in laughter as the last of the waiting parents and family friends left the platform. Ron, Hermione and Mr. Weasley were alone now and tears were starting to roll down his face.

"Finally! Everyone's gone, let's go Harry I'm so sick of this train." Ginny stood, "Come on, kidlets."

"Hi dad!" Ginny faked enthusiasm. It wasn't that she wasn't glad to see her dad; however in these circumstances... it made things a little, awkward. "Where's mum?"

"...Who are they?" Arthur said pointing at James, Al and Lily.

"They are... your grandkids... from the future..." Ginny said putting a sleepy Lily down on her feet

"Surprise!" Ron said sarcastically.

"Not helping." Harry whispered.

"Wait, you weren't kidding..." Arthur ran his hands through his thinning hair line. "This is! This is insane! Like from the future, here. In the past."

"Yup. Just popped up one day. We're sending them back and no one can know but our family and Harry."

"Harry..." Mr. Weasley turned to Harry and for a fraction of a second he thought Arthur was very, very angry. "Welcome to the family!" and embraced him in hug.

"Thanks, Mr. Weasley..." He oddly returned the hug.

"I'm sorry, but this isn't going to hit me until... later. I'm quite unsure how to react. Your mother's making a big supper the whole family's coming over."

"Even -"

"Yes, Even Charlie."

Still no Percy.

"Right... well let's go. We can't let anyone see these guys." Harry put an unconscious hand on James's head.

"Okay. We'll make two trips. Ginny, Harry and the kids first, then I'll come back for you two." He came down to James's eye level, "Have you ever apparated before?" James nodded. "Good. Now are you brave enough to go with Uncle Ron?" James nodded sleepily.

Harry and Ginny picked up a kid each, they grabbed Arthur's arm and vanished with a pop.

Arthur came back for Hermione, Ron and James and they too vanished into thin air.

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