4. Remade

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Evaris' POV:

I dropped to my knees beside Iowyn. "No..." Her throat was torn out. Blood trickled down her neck and into the growing pool beneath her. Her eyes were dull and lifeless as I stroked her hair back from her face. I stood up and ran a hand through my hair. I couldn't believe this had happened. I thought she was going to be safe for the few minutes I was gone. Dropping to my haunches next to her, I hung my head in my hands. This was my fault. If I hadn't left her, she would've been fine. If I hadn't gone after that demon, she would still be alive. Thoughts rushed through my head, overwhelming me. I felt my tattoos burn and cast a red glow over her. I took a deep breath and calmed myself. I stepped back from her. What was I going to do? 

I turned around to find Death standing behind me. I knelt and bowed my head. "Rise, Evaris," he boomed, his voice shaking the trees around us. "You are a king. You bow to no one." I stood, taking him in. The hood on his robes hid his features from view. He carried an hourglass and a silver chain in one hand. Coloured orbs floated around him. A bright purple one caught my eye. Iowyn's soul. She came towards me, hesitant. I held my hand out and she nudged against it, warmth filling my palm.

"You want her back," Death observed. I nodded. "She won't be able to be human anymore."
I whipped my head up towards him. He towered over me. "What do you mean, she won't be able to be human anymore?"
"She'll no longer be human, and instead she'll become fae. The price of life is death. Misery. Gloom. Watching everyone you love torn away from you. Just as you've seen. How you became king, Evaris. She has a dark future. You'll do good to stay by her side."
"Don't do this," I whispered. "Don't do it to her."
"You're the one who wants her back," he stated simply.
"Not like this, I don't."
"You of all people should know that's the price. No exemptions. You may have some advantages, but not all."
"Please," I whispered. I didn't want this to happen to Iowyn. She was already too good for this world. 
"It will be her choice from the bridge to the afterlife to come back." 
I shook my head. She needs to stay there. But I was too selfish to actually want her to stay.

Death sent Iowyn's soul back into her, a bright purple glow lighting up the trees. He chuckled darkly as he faded into mist. I knelt next to Iowyn again, watching her features change, her throat knit itself back together. "Iowyn, come back to me." Her hair turned the palest blue, so pale it was almost white. "Please."

Iowyn's POV:

I was floating through the dark. Silver paths started to form around me. I landed gingerly on the one below me. I followed it for what seemed like an eternity, trying to reach the end. A mirror appeared on the path. I stepped towards it, and a tall, willowy woman followed my movements. She had bright purple eyes, long pale blue hair and pointed ears. She waved her hand on her side of the mirror, purple sparks trailing from it, and the mirror disappeared a moment later. I carried on down the path through the darkness. Two doors, one made of light, and the other of shadows, appeared at the end of my path. "Iowyn, come back to me," a familiar voice pleaded, echoing around me. "Please." I headed towards the door made of swirling shadows but then hesitated. I tentatively pushed the door made of light open. Light washed over me, casting the shadows surrounding me away.

I sat up, coughing and spluttering. My whole body ached. I felt as if I had been thrown off the highest peak of the Shadowtip Mountains. Where was I? I slowly opened my eyes. I could see everything. The ingrain of bark on the trees, individual clumps of dirt on the path, every vein on the dead leaves. I could hear a heartbeat. Someone's gentle inhale and exhale of breath. A slithering, whispering noise somewhere off in the trees. I blinked rapidly a few times. This was all too much. 

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