5. Under the Stars

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I was standing in front of a large gold framed full-length mirror that had two other mirrors jutting out from the main one so I could see all angles. I was still getting used to my new fae body. Evaris was standing behind me, surveying the dress he had just conjured up. It was a red full-length gown with black lace and beads scattered across the neckline and the bottom edge. It was skintight, and the sleeves trailed away from my wrists. My pale shoulders were exposed and Fendwyr's necklace was showing. I twisted this way and that, examining the back, which plunged to my lower back. Evaris grunted and flicked his wrist.  Black tattoos formed on my lower back. "These will come off in the bath," he explained. He then nodded in approval at my appearance and flicked his wrist again. My hair twisted itself into an updo, kohl now lined my eyes and my lips were coloured a deep red. "Are your shoes comfortable?" How is he so style coordinated?
I lifted my skirt and peered down at my feet. Black heels were now on them. I took a few uncertain steps, but soon got the hang of walking in them. Evaris held his hand up, a gold necklace dangling from it, his eyebrows raised. I bit my lip and nodded. I reached up behind my neck and untied Fendwyr's crystal. His hands were cool against my neck as he clasped his necklace around my neck. It consisted of three sharp points going down, connected to the gold chain. Obsidian was set into the centre of each point.

Evaris left the sitting room and disappeared into his bedroom. I perched on the sofa, looking around. The walls were cream coloured, the carpet blue and the chandeliers made of coloured glass. The sofas and my bed -which was in a room off of the sitting room- were plush. The top of the coffee table was a glass pane, which sat on a marble frame. The fireplace was made of thick-slabbed marble. The blue lace curtains were pulled across the windows and the door to the balcony. 

Evaris entered the room again, dressed in a black suit. I ran my eyes over him. It was tailored with sharp, clean edges that defined his frame. Gold stitching covered the lapels of his jacket. The shirt underneath his jacket was the same red as my dress. His hair was smoothed back, the neatest I've seen since that tragic day in the inn. His tattoos were glowing a soft red. I stood, smiling at him. "You look nice."
"Thanks," he smiled, glancing away. "You do too."
I looked down at my hands and then around the room again. "Thanks. You did it." Then I realised we were matching. "What's with the colour coordination?"
"I have a reputation to uphold," he smirked.
"What reputation? I didn't know you until I met you!" I faked astonishment.
"You knew me, but you just didn't know it." He winked at me.
I sighed and rolled my eyes. "You're insufferable."

He laughed and offered me his arm. "Shall we?" I hooked my arm around his, resting it in the crook of his elbow. He led me out of the room and downstairs. Everyone in the foyer followed us with their eyes. The doormen held the doors open for us, bowing their heads. A large black carriage with gold filigree waited at the bottom of the stairs for us, drawn by Lucy and Grace, our mares. Evaris held the door open for me as I climbed up the steps into it. The quick exposure to the evening air made me chilly. He sat next to me and tossed his arm over the back of the seat, tucking me close into his side, warming me.

It was a short ride through the streets to the palace. I could already hear the hubbub coming from inside. He stopped me as I was about to get out of the carriage after him. "One last thing," he said. He snapped his fingers and I felt something appear around my eyes. A black mask with gold stitching appeared over his eyes. I caught a glimpse of my mask in the window as Evaris helped me out. It was similar to his. Nothing held our masks onto our faces. I suppose it's magic.

Snow had already started to fall. He took my arm again and bustled me up the vast expanse of steps. Guards were posted on every other step. I looked up at the palace. Marble columns, stone statues on the roof, carvings on the windowsills. I wobbled slightly, leaning against Evaris for support. It took four men to open the doors for us. People milled around below us, dressed in all colours and fabrics. Masks hid their faces from view. The orchestra floated on a platform above the centre of the room. The King and Queen sat on large gold thrones, which were on a slightly raised platform. Tapestries and silks covered the walls, separated by stone colonnades. We made our way down the stairs and around the outskirts of the room, Evaris' arm around my waist the whole time.

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