17. Draelic Transformations (Part 2)

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My whole body ached. It felt like I had been pulled apart and then slowly pieced back together. I squeezed my eyes shut tighter and furrowed into the cushions. My right arm felt heavier and it felt like there were weights on my back. 

I groaned and reached out for Evaris. Instead of touching skin, my fingers brushed up against something leathery. And sensitive. The left side of my back tensed as something on it jerked up. I craned my neck to see what it was. A pair of black wings, like the ones I've seen on Evaris only once, towered over me. I stared up at them in awe. "You've got a tail, too." I heard him chuckle. "And look at your tattoos." My memories washed over me. I had just taken on the Draelic magic. I was now part demon. No wonder I felt so sore. 

I struggled to sit up with the weight of my wings unbalancing me. "Here," Evaris said as he clambered onto the bed to help me. We stood up, with me clutching him for support. "Tuck them against your back," he explained as his tattoos started to burn red. His wings unfurled from his back and he stretched them out, turning around so I could see. "Like this." He folded them in neatly, the membrane fitting together to tuck into his back. I struggled to follow his instructions, but I finally managed to do it after a few times. 

I tottered over to the closet and opened the door to step inside. I stared at my reflection in the mirror on the wall, my mouth slightly agape. In the confines of the closet, I couldn't fully spread my wings. But I got the gist of their look. A small point of exposed bone was at the apex of each one and a dark, translucent membrane stretched across the bones and tendons. At the base of my back, my tail hung limp, almost reaching the ground. The tattoos that spiralled down my arm burned purple, lighting up the closet. I tilted my arm this way and that, peering down at the swirls. 

My new features didn't look wrong or out of place. They looked, felt like there had always been there but hidden under my skin. Evaris had only brought forth what was already there. I stood there staring at them for a few more moments, then tucked my wings in. Evaris appeared in the mirror over my shoulder, a wild, excited grin on his face. 

Underneath his cheerful appearance, he looked exhausted. Shadows were under his eyes and his cheeks were slightly sunken. I furrowed my brow in worry. "You look incredible," he said. I flushed. "And you look exhausted."
"I'll get some sleep later," was all he said in reply. "We need to get you in control of these things." He ran a long, pale finger down the arc of one of my wings. I shuddered and arched my back as he chuckled. He pressed a kiss to my neck and rubbed my shoulders, careful to avoid my wings. "To turn back Fae," he started to explain, turning me around to face him, "You need to calm yourself. Go into a place of peace. I find it helps to imagine my wings morphing into my back again."

I closed my eyes and turned inwards towards my mind. I soothed the thoughts running rampant and calmed myself. A burning started along my arm. Panicked, I glanced down and saw my new tattoos glowing brighter. "It's working," Evaris explained. "You'll get used to the burn eventually." I nodded and then tried again, this time hissing at the sensation. I felt the weight lift off of my back and opened my eyes. He was smiling at me triumphantly. "Well done." I smiled and dipped my head, more interested in my tattoos. They had now gone black, similar to the ones on his neck. The points of them were cruel and unforgiving, while the curves were gentle, almost caressing my skin. I smiled softly at the tendril that cupped my thumb while I ran my hand down my arm. I was one of them now. 

"Nicodemus is going to have a fit," I giggled. Evaris' hands slithered around my waist, pulling me against him. "I don't want to hear another male's name on your tongue," he growled into my ear. His hand slid down until his fingers were dancing along the waistband of my trousers. I tilted my head back, resting it on his shoulder, my hands gripping his thighs and my back arched in anticipation. "Say my name," he commanded, his breath soft against my ear. In the mirror, I could see the almost feral, predatory gleam in his eyes that was there earlier. "Say my name, Iowyn."
"Evaris," I whimpered, staring up at him, pleading with him. "Please, Ev."
"That's my girl." He smirked as his fingers slid lower, painfully slow until they were inside of me.

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