Characters (Updated)

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A/N: I'm not going to do pictures this time, but just give you a quick brief of all the characters in the story so far. I hope you've been enjoying following Iowyn and the crew!

Iowyn Aedithas:
Also called Iowyn Tierden. Her name is spelt with a capital 'i,' not a lowercase 'L.' There's been some confusion around that.
Pronunciation: I-oh-win Aeh-di-thas
Current known species: (Made) Fae
Age: 17 (Human years)
Hair colour: Light Periwinkle Blue
Eye colour: Electric Purple
Distinctive features: N/A
Occupation: N/A
Magic appearance: Bright purple sparks

Our young, headstrong and fiery heroine. Excels in magic and combat. Mated to Evaris. Her best friend, Fendwyr, has been replaced by Nicodemus. 

Evaris Tierden:
Pronunciation: Ev-air-is Tier-den
Current known species: Half Fae, Half Demon
Age: 318 (Human years) 20 (Fae years)
Hair colour: Ink Black
Eye colour: Midnight Blue
Distinctive features: Black swirling tattoos on his shoulders and left side of his neck, also one on his lower back
Occupation: King of the Darkworld
Magic appearance: Black smoke

Bossy, close-minded and opinionated, it's near impossible to change his mind, especially with his stubborn streak. Loves music, and has an eye for finery.  Mated to Iowyn and his best friend, Nicodemus, has been his closest advisor for almost as long as he's ruled.

Nicodemus Valora:
Pronunciation: Nick-oh-deem-us Vah-lore-uh
Current known species: Fae
Age: 402 (Human years) 26 (Fae years) 
Hair colour: White Blond
Eye colour: Poison Green
Distinctive features: N/A
Occupation: Evaris'  closest advisor and weapons master 
Magic appearance: Green liquid

Cares deeply for his family and friends. Is patient, which comes in hand with the tedious job of changing Evaris' mind. Is constantly forging new bits and pieces of armour and weapons. 

Minuvae Tierden:
Pronunciation: Min-you-vay Tier-den
Current known species: Half Fae, Half Demon
Age: 290 (Human years) 18 (Fae years)
Hair colour: Dark Blue
Eye colour: Silver
Distinctive features: Black swirling tattoos on her leg
Occupation: Royal Advisor and Financer 
Magic appearance: Dark blue mist

The middle child of the Tierden family. She's kind, loyal and can become angered quickly, which can throw her into a fit of rage for hours. Her stubbornness is rival to Evaris's. 

Jassin Tierden:
Pronunciation: Jas-sin Tier-den
Current known species: Half Fae, Half Demon
Age: 283 (Human years) 17 (Fae years)
Hair colour: Silver
Eye colour: Pale Blue
Distinctive features: Black swirling tattoos on his left arm
Occupation: Royal Advisor
Magic appearance: Silver substance, like mercury

The youngest of the Tierden family, he's the one to calm everyone down in their heated moments. Talks sense into Evaris and Minuvae when they get a ridiculous idea into their heads.

Edrisa Minregial 
Pronunciation: Edri-sa Min-reji-all
Current known species: Fae
Age: 647 (Human years) 40 (Fae years)
Hair colour: Honey Brown
Eye colour: Teal
Distinctive features: Her eyes, they're a bright teal colour that seems to perceive everything
Occupation: Queen of Arcana
Magic appearance: Unknown

She's been on the throne of Arcana for nearly half a millennia. She's cruel, cunning and beautiful, just like her court in Arcana. Everything she does is for her benefit. 

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