Nightmares have come true....

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" This place is a little too empty don't you think?", Sahir frowned at Danish. Danish opened his mouth to speak but before he could respond, Sahir turned and fired a shot right to his shoulder! He fell to the ground immediately!

Ibrahim, who was too shocked to take in the situation fainted!

Ibrahim my child! Good bye! May Allah protect you!

Dad daddy no please don't go!!

Ibrahim opened his eyes suddenly to see that he was alone! In a park! His shirt had a bright red stain on it! Danish bhai's phone next to him on the grass!

He picked up the phone and called the first number he could think of!

"Dad.......D-D-Dani-ish bhai ..... bullet Dad", the phone dropped from his hand, as men in uniforms arrived and started searching the Crime Scene for clues.

Mr. Kamran climbed into his car and nodded to Bill, his driver.
Bill hesitantly asked, "Sir, where are we going? "
" Just drive Bill! ", Mr. Kamran ordered.
Throughout the way Mr. Kamran kept giving instructions to Bill, such as "go left, now right , turn towards that building, etc. "

He got out of the car swiftly, as they reached, and moved towards his son, who was sitting on the grass, hugging his legs, his head on his knees.......

"Ibrahim, get up! Come on...." , Mr. Kamran extended his arm towards his son and pulled him up from his shoulders. Ibrahim got up reluctantly and hugged his father.

Seeing that the crime scene is under control, he decided to take his son home first.


Bill parked the car expertly in the drive-way and moved towards passenger seat door to open it for Mr. Kamran, but as usual Mr. Kamran was already outside, Ibrahim on his side.
Ibrahim stared at the ground, like he was trying to find something on the ground.
"Come on Ibrahim, let's get inside", Mr. Kamran put his hand on his son's shoulder.
Ibrahim started walking without a word.

Ayza opened the door and let her father and brother in.

The first thing she noticed was a Bright red stain of BLOOD on her brother's arm!!

"Dad! What happened?", she looked from Ibrahim's shirt to her father's face.

"He is Ok!", his expression guarded, he adressed Ibrahim, "Go to your room and change your clothes."
Ibrahim obeyed without a word.

"Dad?", Ayza turned towards her father once Ibrahim was gone.
"Ayza..........", his voice trailed off.

"You home early?", Mrs. Kamran was clearly delighted to see him earlier then she expected.

Both father and daughter became silent.
"What happened?", she asked, her eyes full of concern.

"Danish.....", Mr. Kamran started but got cut off by his daughter, "What happened to Danish?"
"He......uhh......he got .....ummm.......", he bowed his head, "He got mu-murdered" , it was merely a whisper.

Mrs. Kamran gasped, her hand on her chest.
Ayza almost fell to the couch, which was right behind her.

"No, no, no this is not possible!", Ayza kept repeating to herself.

Mr. Kamran touched his wife's shoulder as he spoke to her in a low voice, " please take care of the kids, I have to go! The police has some important details to share, hmm?"
She slightly nodded in response.


Officer Andrew Clinton gave the note another look, he was confused.
He had a cabinet full of these notes now!
What kind of people were they?
Kill someone and leave a note?
Why leave a note?
Why take the body if you're leaving a note?

He was still in his reverie of thoughts, when he was informed of the arrival of Mr. Hassan Kamran, the victim's father-in-law.

"Welcome Mr. Kamran!", he extended his hand.
"Officer Clinton", he was greeted with a warm smile from Mr. Kamran.
You hide your feelings very well Mr. Kamran he complimented in his mind.

"Please have a seat!" , he gestured.
"Thank you" , Mr. Kamran sat down.

"Well Mr. Kamran, I have a bad news for you" , he started although he felt Mr. Kamran already knew....

Mr. Kamran remained silent.
Andrew contineud, "Even after searching the entire perimeter, we could not find the body. All we found was this!" , he placed a small piece of paper on the table.

Mr. Kamran looked closely to find the symbol of a skull and two axes crossed beneath it!!!

Assalamu Alykum
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