"Everyone has to go someday"

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Officer Clinton said, "Even after searching the entire perimeter, we could not find the body. All we found was this!" , he placed a small piece of paper on the table.

Mr. Kamran looked closely to find the symbol of a skull and two axes crossed beneath it!!!

"What is this?", Mr. Kamran was under a complete shock now.
"The murderes! This is their symbol! Their signature!", Andrew tried to explain.

"Are they some kind of an organization? A gang or somerhing? " Mr. Kamran's gaze still fixed on the piece of paper.
"Yes, actually they always use the same method; First, they threaten the victim or their family, then, if they're not given what they want, they kill!"

"If that is the case, then I will give them whatever they want!" , he could not put anything before his family's safety.

"I did not say that they will not kill, if they got everything they wanted!"
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"The enjoy killing!! They will nog stop like that, once they get what they wish, they ask you for something even more important. And they keep on like this until you are left with only yours and your family's life!" ,
he picked the note up from where, Mr. Kamran had dropped it, and placed it inside a clear evidence-bag.
He, then, continued, "It doesn't matter how much you give them, they will eventually try to take the lives of your family!"
"What am I supposed to do then?" Mr. Kamran was at loss.
"I have been working to uncover these killers, for almost 7 years. And in all of these cases, I am going to be honest here sir, we couldn't even save a single victim! But I assure you I will try my best......" he was cut midway as Mr. Kamran's phone started ringing....

"Assalamu Alykum, yes Ayza, what's wrong? Ibrahim....", Mr. Kamran got up from his chair, "Ok I am coming!"
He addressed Andrew now, "I apologize sinscerely, but something happened to Ibrahim apparently and.
"It is completely understandable! What I was trying to say earlier, is that you will have to accept police protection" he replied.
Mr. Kamran had a reverie of thoughts at the momment, could not process anything, bieng said! " I will contact you as soon as Ibrahim is safe", was all he could manage.
"This is my personal number, it will be with me even when I am home, call me whenever you need!"
"Sure, thank you!" , Mr. Kamran took the small card from his hand, and placed it inside his pocket.


Dr. Parker was preparing to leave the hospital, as she had completed her shift. While collecting her belongings from the desk, she heard her phone ringing. She put the papers, she jad in her hands, down and picked up the phone.

"Dr. Parker, this is Mrs. Kamran, if you aren't busy, we will be bringing Ibrahim to the hospital! Something happened to him!"
"Don't worry Mrs. Kamran, bring him here and I can handle the rest!"

She had been their family doctor since their daughter was born!
She adored both Ayza and young Ibrahim! And they also respected her like a member of the family!

MR. KAMRAN reached the hospital to find his wife and daughter waiting impatiently in front of the ER doors.

"Ayza, Fatima, where is Ibrahim? Is he okay?" He inquired in voice full of panic.
"He is in there! ", Mrs. Kamran pointed towards the ER doors.

Dr. Parker came out after, what seemed like ages.
" your son is okay now, but we need to keep him in the hospital for the night. You all should go home and get some rest. "
"What happened to him? " , Mr. Kamran failed to calm his voice.
" Everything is okay, Mr. Kamran, he is fine! ", the doctor assured.
" But......." , Mr. Kamran was cut off by his daughter's hand on his shoulder.
" Dad, we should listen to the doctor" , he was shocked by this action.
"Sh-she is r-right Hassan, w-we should go home now. ", Mrs. Kamran spoke between sobs.
" Okay, you are right, maybe we should go home now. " Mr. Kamran said as if to convince himself.
Then he continued towards the doctor, " Dr. Parker, please take care of my child. "
" Don't worry Mr. Kamran, that is what we're here for! " She said with a smile.


As soon as the car started, Mr. Kamran took out a small card from his pocket, and dialed the number written on it,

"Officer Clinton? "
" Mr. Kamran! Please call me Andrew! "
"Okay! Well, Andrew, I need your help"
" That is our job sir, how may I help you? "
" Ibrahim! He is at the hospital, please ensure his safety! "
" Don't worry Mr. Kamran, I am on it!"
The call got disconnected.

Ibrahim found himself sitting on grass. He liked sitting on grass, it refreshed him.
Suddenly he heard footsteps, he looked up to see his father, he got up.
His father hugged him , stroking his head gently.
" Ibrahim? "
" Yes dad! "
" I have to go son! "
Ibrahim looked up to face his father, " You said you won't go anywhere! "
"Everyone has to go someday buddy! My time has come! "
Ibrahim tightly hugged his father, " No ! I will not let you go! "
" I will have to go, I am sorry my child!
" Dad! No! "
Ibrahim woke up! In a hospital bed!
All of a sudden, he noticed a note stuck to the bed-frame!
It had the symbol of a skull and two axes crossed beneath it!

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