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Tommy was thousands of blocks away before what he had done fully registered. He was shivering at the back of a pitch-black cave as hail pounded the world around him, and for the first time, he regretted running away.

What if Tubbo had come by? What if Ghostbur did remember? What if his father and brother were just taking a long time to travel from their empire to visit him? What if he missed the opportunity to see them again by a hairsbreadth?

What if he'd stayed, and Dream finally managed to kill him?

Pigstep was clutched tightly in his hand. It wasn't Mellohi, wasn't Cat, but it was a constant reminder that Dream was the enemy. A constant reminder to never turn back, because he didn't have any allies anymore. Didn't have any friends.

A rabbit sprinted past the entrance of the cave. It was shot before it could even notice the looming danger. Tommy set down his bow with a sigh, getting up to go fetch his kill. Hunting was instinct now, something he could do without even thinking about.

He skinned the rabbit with ease, the simple task keeping his mind off his intrusive thoughts. His flint and steel were wet from when the rain had begun, and any wood was soaked through, so he wrapped the skinned animal in a large leaf. He added the pelt to a bundle of other pelts, ready for when he'd inevitably have to repair his clothing.

Tubbo's compass lay in his pack, a constant hum reminding him of what he left behind. It's purple glow did nothing to illuminate his surroundings, but it comforted him.

The rain came down harder, and Tommy curled in on himself.

He fell asleep to the sound of rain and distant mobs.

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