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Building a house was hard work. His lack of food in exile had withered away at his muscle mass, and his time as a wanderer had rebuilt him for speed, not strength. So whereas chopping down trees had been easy during Tommy's L'manburgian days, now he struggled to get his axe through the base of an oak.

Gathering supplies was just as difficult. Water had to be collected one bucket at a time and mining was long and tedious. Days flew by and nights often went sleepless, mobs came and died, villagers offered help and were turned down.

He used his money to buy seeds for crops. He tilled dirt for days. He planted just like his brother had taught him. He harvested efficiently. He sold his produce. And the cycle continued, all while he continued to build his house.

Tommy could tell he was gaining strength. He could fell a tree where it stood with one swing and could hold multiple buckets on a strong stick. His house was almost finished.
And then it was.

Tubbo's compass was gently placed under the floorboards.

Tommy curled up in a permanent bed that night.

He fell asleep thinking he'd never have to leave.

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