Chapter 26: Lunch

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Classes were going fine and lunch hour was ticking closer and closer. Once it came, I was dreading it. I went to the washroom to hide in one of the stalls. A few giggles followed the opening of the door.

"He's so hot, I literally can't," gushed some girl.


"I swear next time I'm near him I just want to rip his shirt open and kiss him senseless," said another.

"Ugh, kissing him would be so hot," moaned a third.

Who? Who?

"All of Vince is hot," said the first voice.

Jealousy coursed through me. I knew we weren't together, but I still liked him. I still wanted him to be mine.

But he doesn't want to be yours, said a voice in my head.

Shut up.

It's true, he told you so himself.


Shit, I'm going crazy.

"Do you think if I ask him out, he'll go out with me?" asked the girl.


"No offense Tiff, but he wouldn't want Ryan's seconds," said the other.

"Half the school has been with Ryan, that's hardly fair."

"I don't know why we even fantasize, he's never looked at a girl twice. He's probably dating one of Vicky's friends from her modelling days."

No he's not, well at least I hope he wasn't. Ugh! I was hopeless.

"I wouldn't mind being with Ryan if he actually stayed with a girl for longer than a few hours."

"So true, he is so damn fine. Don't forget that hunk Emmett, I'd let him teach me a lesson any day," said Tiff.

They all burst into laughter. Not wanting to hear any of this any more, I barged out the bathroom and went to find my friends in the caff. They weren't hard to find, everyone was pointing and whispering in their direction. Vicky waved me over from her table. Ryan was already seated beside her and Ally was seated across from her. Vince and Emmett didn't seem to be here. I didn't know whether to feel disappointed or relieved.

I took the seat next to Ally and raised a brow at Ryan. "To what do we owe the pleasure?"

Ryan put his hand to his chest as if he was offended. "Can't a man sit with his newly found friends? Jeez Lori, I thought after the last two weeks we could call each other friends. I have to say that I am very-"

Victoria slapped her hand over his mouth. "Shush it, we get it."

Ryan pries her hand off. "If you really want my lips on your skin, you could have just asked."

Vicky's cheeks flushed and she started to squirm in her seat avoiding any eye contact with Ryan whatsoever.

"I think what Lori was saying was why aren't you with your boys?" asked Ally.

"I'm hungry. They're in the lounge brooding-- well, Vince is. Emmett is convincing him to come eat here, you know same old, same old," Ryan yawned before shifting his attention behind me. "Speaking of the devil."

My heart accelerated knowing he was here. I should of known when the volume went up as girls giggled and flirted while boys tried to talk to him. I shouldn't turn around even though I felt daggers being shot at me from behind my back. Don't turn around Lori, don't do it, don't do it... Crap. I turned to find him glaring at me as expected. As soon as we made eye contact he looked away, nose flared. 

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