Chapter 31: Closet

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The headmistress was seated behind her desk on her big leather chair. She's been staring at me for the past two minutes making me feel really uncomfortable. I was literally too scared to speak. This she-devil was related to Vicky and Vince how exactly?

"Lorraine," she began.

"Yes, headmistress," I answered.

"Lively," she pronounced slowly.

"Yes?" I said weakly.

"Lorraine Lively..." she said as if she was tasting my name.


"I seemed to have heard a ridiculous rumour this morning, so I went ahead and checked the surveillance videos to confirm it," she spoke as if the words were sour on her tongue.

"Please, see for yourself," she said pointing to the flat screen TV on the wall.

She played the video showing a few students socializing, some rushing to get where they want to be. She switched from scene to scene and times to times making it dawn on me what she's referring to. In each footage I was shown with Vince. I silently thanked the holy spirits for there not being any footage in Vince's lounge.

"You see Ms. Lively, the young lady holding my nephew's hand seems to resemble you a lot, would you like to confirm this?" she asked.

"Y-yes," I stuttered. "That's me."

"And how long has this been going on?" she asked.

"Um..." well we were on and off. "It's complicated."

"What's complicated is why my nephew would be with someone as lowly as you," she pointed her manicured finger at me.

It felt like I was slapped on the face, with a chair.

"You barely know me," I defended myself.

"Your economic status is nothing compared to ours, you have no talent whatsoever, and your looks are beyond average," she spat venomously.

"That's not all that makes a person," I argued.

"Honey, if you even cared about Vincent then you would care what people thought of him. Him being with a charity case will make him look pathetic and idiotic," she shot.

I stood up making a noise screech with the wooden chair I was sitting on. "I care for him!"

"If you do then you'd leave him alone. Now, move along. I have better things to deal with," said the headmistress before looking down at the papers in front of her.

I stood there staring at her in disbelief as she continued to ignore me. I slowly dragged my feet out her office. What the hell just happened? There was no way in hell I was leaving Vince with the way she spoke to me. I promised him I wouldn't leave him and this witch was not going to come between us. Sure I saw where she was coming from. As far as status goes, I was basically a pauper and Vince was a king. But he had to think about this before we dove into it right?

I walked into class a bit late passing the teacher a slip from the office. He gave me a pitying glance assuming I'd been in the clutches of the headmistress. By the time second period was ending, I had gotten a text from Vince.

It read:

Can you meet me?

Now? I texted back.

Yes, come to locker S314, he texted back.

What the hell was in that locker?

I glanced at the time, there was only fifteen minutes until the end of class. My teacher would never let me go. A girl can try.

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