Chapter 10: Breakfast

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"What are you doing there?" asked Vince.

Baby hippos! He scared me, when did he step out of the shower? I turned to face him and lost my breath. He was still shirtless, but now wearing sweatpants. I watched as water droplets ran down his chiseled chest and abs. It running down every firm indent and lines. A shiver ran down my back as I remembered how my fingers ran across them this morning. It frustrated me how attracted I am to him even though he gets on my last nerves.

"Done checking me out?" he asked.

Sweet potatoes! He caught me. I rolled my eyes before looking away and held out a picture frame before looking back at his face this time. It was a picture of him and the girl smiling a toothless smile, they looked around six years old and absolutely adorable. Looking at Vince now, I noticed his hair was wet making his curls fall in front of his face. God it was hot. You, Mr. Westwood, are one fine specimen. Lori! Get it together! What you are feeling now is due to your female hormones, no feelings exist-- just attraction.

"Who's this?" I asked.

Pain, but pure love and admiration filled his expression. "That's my sister."

I hated how happy I was to hear that it was his sister.

"What happened to her?" I asked wishing to take it back. I can be so nosy sometimes. She can be dead, or hospitalized, or missing...

"She's living," he replied.

Okaaaaaay. Well that can't be a bad thing right?

"And you're not?" I asked.

He sighed and shook his head as if he didn't want to speak about it anymore. I get it. Let's leave it as it is.

"I'm hungry," he shrugged. "Let's go eat."

"Wait, aren't you going to wear a shirt?" I asked.

"No, why would I?" he asked in literal confusion. I guess that's how he walked around the house. Lucky workers! Wait what?!

"Because you're half naked and it's distracting," I answered.

He laughed. "Okay I get it."

I let out a breath of relief.

"You're attracted to me," he shrugged.

"What?! No! That's not-"

"It's fine, I understand. I have this affect on everyone. Don't be ashamed," he smirked.

"Vince," I warned in a motherly tone.

"Fine, I don't want you to have a heart attack by your love for this," he said gesturing for his beautiful body. Beautiful? I needed to stop thinking like that for the sake of my pride and sanity.

"I won't," I mumbled.

He threw on a white shirt that did nothing to hide his perfectly toned chest and showed off his muscled arms. I loved how they flexed and made those veins pop when he moved them.

"I'll also pretend you're not checking me out now," he winked.

Dang flabbit Robby Ray! Did I just do it again? Well shit.

"I wasn't. Now where's Martha's amazing pancakes?" I asked.

"It's Maria, next time don't forget the love of my life's name," he frowned.

"Love of your life?" I asked feeling the tad bit jealous. If I knew Vincent, she would be some super model Miss Latino, probably one of the most beautiful woman I would lay my eyes on and cooks awesomely in lingerie and stilettos. What's it to me anyways? He's not my boyfriend or anything, and I don't like him, right?

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