Chapter 16: Movies

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I'm dedicating this chapter to tabby_bones for always commenting and voting :) thank you! <3

I didn't know whether to be nervous, mad or excited. Vince wanted me to sit beside throughout the movie. I couldn't help, but feel a flutter in my stomach.

"Oh um okay, if that's what you want Vince," Ally blushed looking slightly disappointed. He was so mean, couldn't he just give the girl a little hope? She sat down next to Ryan and Emmett sat on the other side of her, Vince tried to sit between Emmett and I, but I wasn't going to let him control everything.

Vince sent me a death glare when I sat down next to Emmett so I stuck out my tongue at him. His eyes grew in surprise. Yeah, I don't think anyone has been as immature as to stick their tongue out at Vince. Could I embarrass myself any more? Yes, yes I probably could. 

Vince was silently laughing at me. I officially felt belittled.

"Don't pout, I'll hold your hand if you're really that scared," he did that sly grin of his.

"I think you meant that you're so scared you want me to hold your hand," I flipped the tables. "Don't worry sweetheart, I won't let the evil spirits get to you."

We were watching those supernatural horrors, so as long as it was fake it never really fazed me. The thrillers with the psycho clown with the chainsaw, yeah those, those scared me.

"You're funny, are you sure you're not looking for a way to touch me?" he smirked.

Stupid jerk. I stood up ready to switch seats, but something pulling on my arm stopped me.

"Okay I'm done, just stay," he said earnestly. I gave him one long look.


With a dramatic sigh, I sank back in my seat.

Emmett leaned over with a serious face. "Can you two get along for a few hours? Last thing we need is attention on us, especially with Ryan here."

If people got a whiff of Ryan then this whole outing was ruined.

I looked at Vince to see how able he is to comply before I gave my answer. He put up his hands as to surrender. Good.

I munched on my popcorn as a distraction before the movie started to keep me occupied. Vince tried reaching over for some, but I moved into an angle where he would have to lean over me to get some, which I was glad he didn't. We'd already fought over paying for our ticket and snacks, Vince was insistent on "giving back to the less fortunate". Just because I had a job and my dad doesn't earn as much as his, he doesn't get to degrade me like that. So when I bought my own things, I promised he wouldn't be able to eat something from someone so low as me. See how he likes it now. It's his fault for not buying himself his own.

I had already eaten the whole bag by the time the story started to escalate so I had no distraction anymore. The main character was now creeping through the hallway following drops of blood, I could feel the tension in the room. I looked over at my friends and almost laughed. Vicky and Ryan were holding on to each other for dear life, both looking equally scared. Ally was buried in Emmett who looked very amused at the moment. I knew he liked her! They were both good people, they would be good for each other. I suddenly felt the urge to play matchmaker. Ugh, wasn't this supposed to piss me off or make me sad?! Why didn't I feel any negative emotions?!

I thudding heartbeat of the main character brought my attention back to the screen. Suddenly, she broke out into a scream, finding her boyfriend hanged by the neck looking awfully scary. Okay... I was getting scared at the anticipation, the music was so intense.

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