Chapter 10: The Shadow Rises

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-seven month time skip-
Selena's POV
To be honest, my soul was gone same with my heart and I didn't know why... As I walked down the street heading home I seen the women called Medusa walking towards me "hello child" she said smirking slightly I waved with a sad expression she tilted her head "what's the matter? Did Lord Death's son break a reaper's heart?" She asked and I nodded then she came up close and lean to my ear and whispered her spell "Nake...Snake...Corba...Corba..." I felt weak and fainted into her arms as I felt one of her snakes enter inside of my body taking control (OK THAT SOUNDS WRONG XD)
-Time Skip-
Soul's POV
"Hey Maka did Selena come home yet?" I asked my Meister as I walked into the living room but Maka shook her head no "sorry Soul" she said looking at me I was worried what if something happened to her? My answer was soon answered the next day when Maka was watching the news "twelve meisters and weapons were murdered last night they were students from the DWMA and Zachary is there talking to the headmaster right now" said the news lady as it switch from her to Zachary and Lord Death "yes I know very well about the murders of my students I am very sad of their lost" Lord Death said with Spirit and Stein beside him "do you know any of your students who could do this?" Said Zachary tilting his head Lord Death shook his head but I knew he was lying all I could think was 'Selena is losing her mind...."
-two weeks later-
Kid's POV
As I walked down the halls of the school I noticed Selena's look changed completely. Her hair looked like it had black faded tips from the ends to the middle of her hair, she wore mainly black and her eyes were orange this wasn't the Selena I knew. "Hey Selena..." I said walking up to her as she gave me a smirk "well well well isn't the symmetry obsessed little loser Death the Cry baby~" she said laughing "Selena what's going on? This isn't you" I said grabbing her arm but she pulled it away "don't touch me you basterd!" She said yelling and showed her vampire fangs with shadows beside her I stepped back "Selena calm down you know you don't want to hurt me" I said looking at her straight into the eyes of the vampire knowing the fate behind me could slip away
-time skip after Medusa tells Selena about her plans to wake the Kishin and day of the DWMA dance- (sorry for so many time skips)
Third Person's POV
As Soul and Maka arrived the school for the dance, Selena was around Medusa most of the time. "Hey Soul, why is Selena with Doctor Medusa?" Said Maka looking at her weapon with a confused expression Soul shrugged and walked out onto the balcony. Kid, however, was a different story. He went to the dance with a different girl! (Shame on him-) but Selena didn't care. "Selena, I need you to make sure Erika (spelt wrong sowwy) and Free are ready" said Medusa whispering into her ear as Selena nodded and walked away. Seven minutes later, Selena came back. Kid walked over to her and held his hand out "would you like to dance Selena?" He said watching her take his hand and nod. Moments later, everything started to shift Medusa and Selena jumped out the window where they were greeted by Free and Erika and headed under the school.

Kid's POV
After Sid made Maka, Soul, Black*star, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, and I fall into a hall where Stein was, we went under the school. "Is everyone ready? Remember we're going to be encountered by the Witch Medusa, Demon Sword, and The Shadow Reaper" said Stein looking at us all "umm who's the Shadow Reaper?" Maka asked tilting her head Soul spoke up "The Shadow Reaper is my sister Selena..." He looked down as Maka looked at him "s-so that's why I couldn't see her soul" she said putting her hand on his shoulder. As we walked down farther into the hall, Selena and Medusa were standing there like they were waiting for us. "Selena, you need to control your powers" said Stein looking towards her as she hissed and Medusa chuckled "my dear Selena" she said looking up smirking "Attack them" Selena's eyes turned glowing orange as her hair turned completely black with shadows rising behind her "ding dong get ready to have no soul" Selena said running towards us with her katana but Stein stopped the blade before it hit Black*star she growled as she command her shadows to attack Stein. "Selena please stop this!!!" I said yelling at her and she looked at me with narrowed eyes "who are you to tell a reaper to stop?!" She yelled walking towards me "because I love you!! Medusa is only playing with your head making you her slave!!" I said looking at her but Selena laughed insanely. "How can a human like a vampire who's heart is stone" she said in a sad tone and expression after she stopped laughing "for years reapers and vampires tried to come to peace but it will never happen....besides who can love a vampire like me who killed millions of innocent souls and never give a single tear towards them?" She said walking back towards Medusa but I grabbed her arm and turned her around facing me "because I'm different Selena" I said before smashing my lips against hers she tried to push me away but I didn't budge and finally I felt her kiss back and wrapping her arms around my neck but that was only my imagination............

(Chapter ten is out guys! What do you think happened to Kid? Do you think Selena stabbed him or....comment what you think happened!!"

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