Chapter One: the New student

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Soul's POV

"Maka hurry up my sister will be here soon" I said to Maka who was being a slow poke. Today was the day my sister, Selena comes to the DWMA it's been years since I've seen her I wonder of she changed any? Maka finally came "don't rush me Soul please" she said I just rolled my eyes "well well well isn't my twin brother Soul" I heard a familiar voice and looked up. "Selena it's been awhile" I said smirking she nodded "indeed it has Soul" she said smiling "who's this Soul?" Said Maka walking up towards Selena "this is my twin sister Selena" I said coolly wrapping my arm around Selena's shoulders but she was always a 1/2 inch taller than me. "You must be Maka" said Selena "it's nice to meet you" Maka smiled "you too! Come on Lord Death wants to see you" Maka started opening the door and walked inside Selena and I followed behind her "so Selena are you a meister or weapon?" Maka asked looking at her "meister" said Selena straightening her pig tails "anyways here we are" said Maka opening the door to the death room Selena walked in and Maka and I followed behind her "hey hey hey Selena!" Said Lord Death as he seen Selena walk in "hiya" said Selena I smiled then noticed Kid was in the Death room

Kid's POV

Who is this girl? She looks like Soul but only cuter "Selena this is my son Death the Kid" my father said as Selena looked at me "hello" she said with a smile I smiled "hello Selena" I said looking at her she was so symmetrical! Even her breasts were symmetrical unlike two weapons of mine "hey I'm Liz this is my sister Patty" said Liz walking towards Selena "you're really pretty Selena!" Said Patty grinning "thank you Patty" Selena said looking around. "So Selena-Chan what are you?" Said Maka tilting her head "because I can't see your soul" Selena's face turned pink "that's just plain preverted Maka" she said covering her chest me, Liz, Patty, and Soul started laughing "it's not like that Selena! I can see your soul very few meisters have that ability" said Maka Selena nodded "alright then Selena you'll be in Stein's class along with your brother and my son" said father pointing to me and Soul as she nodded "come on sis we better go before Stein dissect us" said Soul walking "oh he is not laying a finger on my brother" said Selena growling under her breath I chuckled "don't worry Selena Soul was only joking" I said patting her back I could tell she was blushing slightly "o-ok Kid" she said walking behind Soul.

Selena's POV

'Why do I blush when Kid says something to me?!' I thought as I felt my cheeks burn "uh sis your cheeks are red" sad Soul poking my cheek "oh shut up" I said slapping his hand away from my face he chuckled and walked as I followed behind him beside Kid "so tell me about yourself Selena" Kid said looking at me "well I'm a vampire and I can play the piano better than Soul can" I said smirking towards Soul "oh hush up Selena" said Soul looking embrassassed I giggled and Kid chuckled "well then I would love to hear you play the piano one day Selena" Kid said giving his cute smile towards me "um sure yeah one day" I said nervously and walked slightly faster into the classroom "You're late" said the man with the screw in his head "sorry Prof. Stein we had to take Selena to Lord Death" said Maka walking to her seat with my brother "ah Selena Evans the new student your seat is beside Kid" Stein said pointing to the empty seat I nodded and sat down "don't be scared of him he won't do anything" said Liz patting my shoulder "ok" I said nodding how am I going to survive with a man with a screw in his head? Well we'll just have to see

(Ok I've updated this chapter! I'll make Chapter two soon!)

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