Chapter 3.

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An hour later, after listening to my mother warn me against the dangers of parties, boys, and all sorts of things that can happen in life alone in college, she finally makes her move to leave. We say goodbye with a hug and a kiss, she exits the dorm room, informing Simon that she will wait for him in the car.

"I will miss you so much." He says softly and pulls me into his arms. I don't know what I would do without him.

"I will miss you too, but we will talk every day." I tighten my arms around his torso. "I wish you were here with me." I didn't realize how much I would miss him until now. Even when he left for college not much changed, he was around a lot and came to visit often, but now everything will be different. He hugs me goodbye, and just then I hear a horn honking in the parking lot. Of course my mother and her impatience.

Simon laughs and hurries out the door, yelling, "Text me tonight!" As he goes.

After Simon and my mother are officially gone, I begin to unpack my bags. I didn't bring many things with me so I don't have too much to unpack, and in ten minutes half of my clothes are folded and stored in the closet. I cringe at the sight of fur coats, leather jackets, fishnet stockings, and dresses that are almost invisible due to the lack of fabric.

So far college is neither what I had dreamed of nor expected. I remind myself that it's only been a few hours. Tomorrow will be better. It has to be.

Feeling the beginnings of exhaustion from the day, I lie across the bed. I really want to know my roommate, but it doesn't help that she's gone. Why couldn't I get a roommate who loved to stay in and read or study? I have a feeling she will be gone a lot. But I suppose it could be a good thing, because I will have the small room to myself.

I gather my planner and textbooks, write down my classes for the semester. I wish I could find a job at a bookstore or publishing house, so I could do something I love. When I was sixteen I worked in a bookstore, I really enjoyed it and I would love like to do it again. I plan a trip off campus tomorrow to get clothes, and more things for my dorm room. I don't want to decorating the way that Holly has, but I would like to add a few things of my own to my side of the room. So I can feel at home.

The loneliness I was afraid of is starting to take over and during this time I feel like I wish Simon was with me here. It would make everything a lot easier.

I don't expect to make a lot of friends, I never had many friends, in fact I had none at all except Simon. But I would definitely love to have a friend or two at least so I can talk to them and maybe eat a meal with every once in a while. I lie down in my bed and with thoughts of how strange the day was, I drift to sleep.

The next morning Holly is not in her bed. She said she would be back today, so she would probably come in at any minute. Grabbing my toiletry bag, I make my way to the shower room.

I reach to the door, and to my surprise the showers are shared by both genders. Ugh. I can't believe they left this kind of thing happen. What is the problem with making separate showers for men and women? College life is strange so far, and it's only the second day.

I find an open shower stall, I pull the curtain closed tight, and undress. Luckily it doesn't take too long for the shower to get warm, and I try to relax under the hot water, but I am too paranoid that someone will pull back the thin curtain separating my naked body from the rest of the guys and girls out there. The shower is tiny, without too much room to move. I hang my clothes on the small rack while I shower. My mind drifting to my mother, Simon, and my life back home, and how much I miss them, I really hope to meet friends soon.

I cutting the water off as I finish the shower, and wrap my towel around myself, quickly put on a bra and panties, followed by my pajamas, and I run back to my room.

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