Chapter 5.

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Dean's black car is parked right in front of the building, and the brown haired boy enters the front seat.

"Ladies," Dean says as he opens the car door for us. He's such a nice guy. Too bad his friend is not as friendly as he is.

The drive goes like hell, and most of the time I stare out of the window, trying to ignore the loud rock music. Why do people like to hear people screaming for fun?

After what feels like ages we finally pull up to a huge house. PHI DELTA THETA is painted in black letters on the massive house.

The lawn is full of people holding red cups, messy strings of toilet paper sprawl up the white house, and a loud noise coming from inside.

"The house is so big." I gulp. I am way out of my league here.

"You knew you were coming to a frat party, what did you expect?" The brown haired boy remarks rudely, and gets out of the car, slamming the door behind him.

"Don't mind him, Holden has a unique way of conversing." Holly says and touches my shoulder. So basically what she is saying is that Holden is a rude and disrespectful person.

"Coming?" Holly says with a smile and pops open her door and hops out. I nod as I climb out of the car.

I follow Holly and Dean into the crowded living room. We stop walking when we reach a group of people crowded on and around a couch. They are all tattooing and with piercings, I assume they are friends with Holly. I sit next to her on the couch as she introduces me to the group.

"Hey guys, this is Melody my new roommate." She tells them and one by one they nod or smile at me, they are really nice. Expect Holden of course.

A handsome boy with tan skin, a lot of tattoos, and dark blond hair reaches out his hand and shakes mine. His expression is warm despite his harsh appearance.

"I am Jace, what's you major Melody?" He asks me. I notice his eyes scan my body and he smiles a little.

"I am an English major." I smile proudly.

"Very cool. I am still undecided." Jace says and laughs.

"How can you be undecided?" I say and he keeps laughing . I really don't get it. How can he be undecided in college?

"I don't know.. I guess I haven't yet found the right profession for me." He shrugs and takes a sip of his drink.

"Do you want a drink?" He asks.

"Oh no. I don't drink." I tell him and he tries to hide his smile.

"Hey Holly where did you find this girl?" A tiny girl with a dark black hair and tattoos on her arms says.

"No one is talking to you, Maddy." Jace says and she rolls her eyes.

I know I don't belong here, but this girl really throws it in my face. I really don't understand what the problem is with the fact that I don't drink? Can only everyone who drinks come to this party?

I look at the floor so they don't see how offended I am. I know I look strange to them because I don't drink, and I don't have tattoos or piercings on my body, but for me they are the strange ones.

"I am going to get some air." I say and turn to walk away.

"Do you want me to come with you so you will not be alone?" Holly calls after me.

"No, it's fine, I will be back in a few minutes." I reassure her and make my way to the door.

I knew I shouldn't come. I should be in my pajamas reading a novel. I could study and get ready for classes tomorrow. Even sleeping would be better than being at this party.

I decide to text Simon. I miss him terribly and we haven't talked since last night.

*I miss you.*
*College isn't very fun so far.*
*I wish you were here.* I send and sit on the stone wall, waiting for his reply.

He responds quickly, *Why not? I miss you so much. It's weird not to see you around.* I smile at his words. I start typing and telling him about the party and this awful night, and just when I come to click send, the screen goes off.

"What the hell?" I yell at my phone screen that is now all black. I try to press the power button but it doesn't change from the black screen. After a few longer presses, a sign appears on the black screen saying that the battery is dead. No! It can't happen! How could I have forgotten to charge the phone? This is what such parties cause me to be, irresponsible and scattered. Lucky I always remember to take charger with me, just for safety.

I make my way upstairs and start my hunt for a empty room. I am sure there are enough sockets in this huge house to charge the phone. Most of the doors are closed, and I keep walking down the hall in search of an open room. Finally, one of the doors does open, and I enter the room.

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