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"a christmas calender?"

"a christmas calender."

"for us?"

"yes Jungkookie, for us."

they were in their dorm kitchen, a pretty small room but it had an isle with barstools. their dorm was more one the  cheaper side but it was cozy and enough for the two of them. both got up late, it was some time in the afternoon, Taehyung came back from his classes while Jungkook slept in. he was still in his pyjamas, messy bed hair and all.

Taehyung put on his puppy dog eyes. they had only lived together for a few months but the older was sure that the younger had a soft spot for his puppy eyes.

"do you even have 24 christmas activities that we could do? you never follow through with what you plan to do. i bet you can't keep it up all 24 days."

okay, maybe the eyes don't always work. but never follow through with any plans? Taehyung's mouth dramatically fell open in shock. so that was how the younger thought of him? Jungkook on the other hand, had a cocky smile on his lips, shrugged and turned to the kitchen counter to make himself another coffee. oh, come on ... a coffee addiction? really?? he HAD to be gay. Taehyung huffed and crossed his arms. he was not going to give up so fast.

"okay then let's make a bet. if i find a  christmasy winter activity for each day of december until christmas, you have to fulfill a wish of mine and if i loose, i make one of yours come true."

with that Jungkook turned to Taehyung again, slyly taking a sip from his cup. a smile made it's way to his lips and from that moment the older knew he was hooked. because Jungkook absolutely loves bets and absolutely hates loosing.

"okay game master, it's the first of december, what's the first thing we will do?"

so Taehyung slung an arm around the younger's shoulder, led him around the counter and onto their old dark green couch. the thing barely fit through the door and took up almost all of the living room space. but if you sat on it even once, you would understand why they kept it.

the older loved christmas with all of his heart since he was a little kid, while Jungkook couldn't care less for the whole winter holiday spirit, for him it was a season like every other. but now the plan was set: 24 winter activities until christmas, 24 days to make Jungkook fall for him. the younger obviously didn't know anything about the last part.

"for the first day i'm going easy on you. we'll create the perfect christmas playlist. i mean, we have to set the mood for the rest of our year, you know?"

and you best believe Taehyung was setting the mood by adding every christmassy love song he could remember.

24 days 'til  christmas // taekookWhere stories live. Discover now