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"can't we stay here? i'm tiiired..."

"only if you admit that i had actually something planned for the christmas calender today."

Taehyung crouched in front of Jungkook's bed again, where the younger laid, with his eyes closed. they were actually supposed to go to the nutcracker ballet today but Taehyung was unable to get Jungkook out of bed. the younger yawned before sloppily putting his hand over Taehyung's mouth.

"yeah ... whatever ... now .... shud ub..."

the words came out all slurred from Jungkook's mouth. the younger could sleep for hours while Taehyung lived on the minimum amount of sleep. the older took Jungkook's hand from his mouth and held it in his for a moment. then he stood up, crawled over the other onto the bed and under the blanket. Taehyung was not going to miss out on an opportunity to be with the younger.

he pulled him closer by his waist, until he could feel Jungkook's back against his chest. he gave him a few gentle, little kisses on the back of his neck, before he buried his nose in the other's hair. because Jungkook smelled of vanilla and sleep and Taehyung couldn't get enough of that.

the room was completely dark, despite it being 12 pm. the younger had the blinds on his window closed all the way, there was only one thin stripe of light going through the middle of the room. Taehyung was wide awake when Jungkook turned in his arms. he could only make out the silhouette of the other, brought his hand up and ran it through the younger's hair. Jungkook was leaning into his touch and he wasn't sure he was awake or subconsciously doing that, until the younger opened his eyes for a moment and kissed him. Taehyung was a bit surprised at first but obviously kissed back right away. it only lasted for a short moment before Jungkook backed out with wide eyes, as if he was surprised himself about his action. the older, who still had his hand in the other's hair, pulled him closer and started kissing him again. Jungkook's lips tasted innocent, while Taehyung's were hungry. he leaned on one of his elbows, so that he was above the younger and let his hand wander from his hair to his cheek and over Jungkook's chest to his waist. he got a little ahead of himself, slipping his hand underneath the younger's shirt and kissing down his neck.

"T-Tae ... i-i can't "

oh shit. this has never happened to him. Taehyung immediately let go of the younger and let himself fall on his back besides him. it was quiet for a while, the two just staring wide eyed at the ceiling, unsure what to say next.

"i-i'm sorry ..."

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. and as he propped himself up on his elbow again, Jungkook turned his face away.

"why are you apologizing? i'm sorry, i was a little fast, huh? it's all good, i promise."

Taehyung tried it with a warm smile but Jungkook pulled the blanket over his head, to escape the older's eyes. he chuckled at the younger's cuteness and moved the blanket back down.

"what are you doing? Jungkook ... come on, look at me."

but instead of doing what the older had told him to, Jungkook hid his face in Taehyung's chest, who got knocked over. the older laughed and pulled him into a tight hug. and when Jungkook talked again, it came out all muffled.

"i-i was just ... scared ... not because of you! i mean i - ugh i don't knooooow."

"then what are you scared of?"

"doing something ... wrong, i guess ..."

"there's nothing you could do wrong tho ... even if you do something and i don't really like it, i just tell you ... like 'hey Jungkook, i didn't like this', then you say 'okay' and we move on. it's that simple, really ... and it doesn't ruin the mood or anything, i promise."

Jungkook had to giggle because of Taehyung's dramatic and incredibly bad voice acting when he was imitating the younger's and his own voice. and once the older heard it, his heart began feeling a little lighter again and he gave him a gentle kiss on the top of his head.

"everything okay again?"

"yes ... everything okay."

24 days 'til  christmas // taekookWhere stories live. Discover now