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the secret santa party was at Jin's apartment which was a 10 minute walk from Taehyung and Jungkook's dorm. the two arrived last because the older came late to everything.

they squeezed themselves on the couch with Jin and Hobi while Jimin, Yoongi and Namjoon sat on the floor. they were actually only Taehyung's friends in the beginning but he soon realized that in reality, Jungkook was pretty shy and that the sassy persona he knew, only came out when Jungkook was with him. so, he started to invite the younger to Jin and Namjoon's parties, Hobi's dance competitions or when he went out to a café with Jimin and Yoongi (which totally felt like double dates if you ask him). and even though Jungkook has met them quite often now, he was still a bit nervous around them and good god, that cute timid nature of him did things to the older's heart. and while the other's discussed who should be the first one to give away his present, Taehyung's arm found it's way over Jungkook's shoulder and his fingers played with the hem of the younger's t-shirt sleeve.

their secret santa round started with Namjoon, like it did the last two years because the guy just couldn't say no. Namjoon had Hobi and started off cute with two friendship bracelets (Hobi always complained that they didn't have any) but his second present was sparkling water that he filled in a champagne bottle because Hobi is the worst drinker you'd ever meet and the other's loved to tease him for it.

Hobi's present was for Jin and the oldest of the group got anti aging cream and a mug that said "dilf" in big bold letters, which got Hobi laughing before he even handed it over.

Taehyung received Jin's gift and it was a calendar for the next year with all of their birthdays circled in with red marker because he did not only arrive late to every party, he also couldn't remember birthday at all (even his own).

Taehyung's gift was for Jimin and the moment he unwrapped the it the friends erupted in laughter. it took a few minutes until they calmed down from the candy-bra-present Taehyung had wrapped nicely in pink paper.

Jimin gifted Yoongi a book about mixing drinks and cocktails because the older loved to talk about alcohol as if he knew everything about it but in reality he had no idea how to prepare any drink besides whiskey on the rocks.

Yoongi's present was for Jungkook and while the younger tried his best to look excited over a pair of colorful socks, everyone else had to hold back their laughter because socks had been Yoongi's go to gift since 3 years (at least he changed the color scheme and pattern every time).

since it was Jungkook's first time celebrating christmas with the others, he was unsure what to get Namjoon. with a little help from Taehyung, he settled on a bicycle helmet from the kids section with fun lighting bolts in yellow and blue on it, that was still big enough to fit Namjoon's head.

and Taehyung was happy. when he told Jungkook that the vibes of their gifts from secret santa were everything else but meaningful and heartwarming, he didn't want to believe him. but now, he was smiling so big with all of his friends around him, it did things to Taehyung's heart that the older couldn't explain.

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