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Taehyung was excited for todays winter activity. it was actually the first activity that came to his head when he came up with the christmas calender idea. he knew he had to save it for one of the days more towards the end of december. but tonight was the night. watching christmas movies with Jungkook.

Taehyung got back to the dorm after his afternoon classes with way too many bags of chips and candy in his arms. he joined Jungkook, who was scrolling through netflix, on the green couch. he sat down right beside him, with the sides of their thighs touching and laid his arm around the younger's shoulder. there was no use in leaving space between them and then acting like it 'somehow' got smaller and they 'somehow' ended up cuddling. no, no, Taehyung wanted to cuddle and made that clear from the beginning. it's not like Jungkook would expect anything different, right?

so Jungkook put the movie on and chuckled quietly when Taehyung pulled him closer right away. the younger wasn't going to make it any harder for the other though and laid his head on Taehyung's shoulder. and that alone already made the older's heart beat a bit faster in his chest. but oh my, it got better.

Jungkook is the type of person to fall asleep easily when he was watching a movie. the tv could show the most scary videos and you'll find the younger fast asleep on the couch. so when Jungkook pulled his legs up until they laid on top of the older's thighs and he snuggled even closer to his side, Taehyung knew it was happening. they had reached the younger's sleepy-cuddly phase. only a few moments later his eyes were closed.

"are you really asleep?"



he wasn't answering and while Taehyung twirled the younger's hair between his fingers, he contemplated what to do next. the movie hasn't ended yet but while it was so easy for Jungkook to sleep, Taehyung just couldn't fall asleep while sitting. he had never been able to. so he sighed and picked the younger up in bridal style to carry him to his bedroom. but once he laid him onto the sheet's and crouched down to tuck the younger's hair behind his ear, Jungkook opened his eyes.

"look at you little liar. did you even sleep when i asked you before?"

the younger could barely keep his eyes open and when he answered, his voice came out all groggy.

"i did but you woke me up. you really struggled trying to pick me up, huh?"

they giggled, Taehyung had his elbows on his knees and his face buried in his hands. good thing it was dark in the room or else you would've seen his red cheeks.

"i'm tired too, okay? no need to expose me like that."

when he looked up again Jungkook was biting his lip, as if he was thinking deeply about something. and then he slid a few inches back, patting the newly created space besides him. Taehyung was a bit surprised but didn't even think about it when he slipped under the blanket. naturally, his hand wrapped around the younger's waist and pulled him closer. first, Taehyung gave him a kiss on the forehead, then he gently nudged Jungkook's nose with his and finally, kissed him goodnight.

24 days 'til  christmas // taekookWhere stories live. Discover now