*Steve x Little Buck

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WARNINGS: Nightmares and panic attacks

REQUEST: Bucky had a nightmare which caused him to have an accident, but it was alright because Steve was there to make it all better.

LITTLE AGE: 0-2 years


S: Stevie/Daddy 

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S: Stevie/Daddy 

B: Bucky/Buddy/darling

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B: Bucky/Buddy/darling


Steve had left Bucky in bed with his Stevie bear to go out for his morning run, but when he got back he saw Bucky was tossing and turning in the sheets. 
Bucky's whimpering voice broke him out of his though
B:" No...No no leave me alone, go 'way"

Steve rushed forward, arms outstretched to reach Bucky as soon as possible. 
He put a hand either side of Bucky, one on each shoulder, and shook him gently. 
In a soft voice he coached him awake
S:" Hey Buck, Buddy? Wake up darling, it's just a nightmare, your home. It's not real" 

Bucky's eyes shot open and he frantically looked around for a few seconds until he finally found Steve. 
Once the realisation hit him that he was safe, he started sobbing. 
B:" Buckee' sowy, so sowy. I so-"
He broke himself off with the sobs pouring from him. 
Steve moved to pick him up but Bucky clung to the blanket tightly, not letting Steve get close
S:" Do you want a cuddle Buddy?" 
Bucky nodded but when Steve came close to him he blocked him once again. 

S:" Bucky, darling. I can't give you cuddles if you don't let me close to you. Is something wrong?"
Steve could sense something wasn't right with Bucky, normally he would be jumping at Steve for cuddles after he had nightmares, but right now he was working himself up so much he was on the verge of a panic attack. 
Bucky looked up at Steve, he could see the fear in his eyes - there was defiantly something wrong. 

S:" Bucky..."
Steve waited until Bucky looked at him
S:" Can you tell daddy what's wrong?" 
Bucky shook his head, no, and looked back down, putting his finger in his mouth trying to comfort himself. 
S:" Can you show daddy what's wrong? I pinkie promise I won't be mad"
Bucky didn't move his head up to look at Steve, instead looked at Steve through his long hair to see if Stevie was telling the truth. 
When Bucky saw Steve's pinky finger being held out to him he knew he was telling the truth. 

Bucky looked up at Steve
S:" It's okay"
Steve encouraged him to keep going
Bucky slowly shuffled away from the patch he's not yet left, moving the blanket as he did, revelling to Steve the wet patch on the bed
S:" Oh Buddy, it was an accident, you're okay."
Steve held his arms out to Bucky, to which Bucky hesitantly shuffled over and sat at the side of him. 
S:" Shall we get you all cleaned up darling?"
Bucky gave a slight nod in reply. 


I am back, once again. I had my last exam today - yay! 
I should be back to writing as normal now. 

How are you guys? I haven't been around so what are you all up to - I can't believe it's December already. 


Agere y/n x AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now