Chapter 1

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• y/n P.o.V.

My mom has been dating this absolute douchebag for the last few weeks. He despises me and my mom is too blind to see it and has also started treating me like shit. I can't stand not eating dinner with her and barely being able to afford food. Sure, I've got a job at a local Burger King, but it pays minimum wage and doesn't have any sort of benefits. While most fast food places at least give their workers discounts if they get food from there, this Burger King does not. Whatever I buy off the menu comes out of my paycheck. I can't take living like this anymore. I've been wearing the same three outfits for the last month because I don't have enough money to buy any new clothes! I knew something had to be done, so I did the only thing I could think of that would be effective. I went to the police and filed a report for neglectment. (Idk how this works so sorry if this isn't how it works) After a while, I took my mother to court, and it was decided that I would move to Derry with my father and brother. Well isn't this just fucking amazing! I get to live with my dad, who probably hates me, and my brother, who could potentially be a perv. Plus MAINE? I can hardly stand winters down here, I'm gonna freeze! When the court was deciding and stuff, I moved in with my aunt, who also lives down in Florida, and she gave me a lot of clothes for when I'm up there so when it's winter I won't be sitting there in a t-shirt and jeans.

I was finally ready to move up to Maine. I had all my stuff in suitcases and bags, well two suitcases, a small duffle bag, and a small backpack. I boarded my flight to get there and, well, fell asleep.

When I awoke I was already in Maine. The plane landed and I gathered all of my stuff and looked around for my dad. He was supposed to pick me up from the airport. I saw a man holding up a sign that said 'Hockstetter', so I ran to it.

"Dad?" I asked.

"Y/n?" He asked.

We hugged, realizing we're the right people, then headed out to the car. Derry was covered in a forest from all sides, one road leading in, one road leading out. After about an hour, my dad pulled into the driveway of a house. It was decently sized, but still about half of my old house. It looked like a comfy home, another house being able to fit between us and our neighbors. It was surrounded by bushes acting as fences. The walls were made of brick and it had a white door. It looked perfect!

"It's not much compared to your old home but-" my dad started.

"I love it!" I interrupted as I grabbed my stuff and ran up to the door.

My dad unlocked it and I walked in. There was a faint smell of beer coming from the kitchen, but nothing like my mom's boyfriend brought into my old house. It was a tad messy, a laundry basket or two, some books and bags thrown around, and some half-empty water bottles scattered through the house.

"Don't mind the mess, I haven't done laundry in a while." My dad said. "Your room is right over here, and your brother will be back from school in about an hour."

"Okay!" I responded.

I got all my belongings and headed over to my new room. It was bland, so I could do whatever I wanted with it. I started putting my stuff down, and it took me about 15 minutes to get everything perfect. I walked out of my room to see my dad starting a load of laundry.

"Is there anything I can help with?" I asked my dad.

"No, I've got it all. How about you go into town and explore a bit. There's some money on the counter if you want to get some food too." He said as he walked over to another basket of laundry.

"Okay! Bye, dad!" I was gonna have to get used to saying that.

It was already 3, so everyone should be out of school. My dad said my brother wouldn't get home for another like 45 minutes, I wonder why though. I got the cash my dad was talking about and a map he put beside it. I decided it would be best to get some food since I haven't eaten all day, so I hopped on to my old bike my aunt bought me and biked to a cafe nearby. When I got there I noticed it wasn't busy and only one person was working.

The Second Hockstetter {Victor Criss x reader}Where stories live. Discover now