Chapter 3

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After work on Tuesday, Maddie and I walked back to her house. The streets were peaceful, occasionally a car or a group of kids on bikes would drive by. Every once in a while, you would hear some angsty teen blasting some weird music. So surprise, the bowers gang weren't the only ones doing it. They were, however, the loudest ones, the fastest ones, and the most annoying ones. They only drove by us once, and when they slowed down, probably thinking we were some new prey, I told Patrick to tell dad I'd be home late. When we got to Maddie's, there were 5 bikes on the front lawn, one smaller than the rest.

3rd Person P.o.V.

"Oh, my brother invited his friends over. Hope you can deal with them as we walk in." Maddie said.

"I should be fine," Y/n told her.

They walked in and saw a group of 4 boys standing in the kitchen.

"No Richie we can't make pasta. You're just gonna burn it and blame it on us!" The shortest boy reprimanded.

"I would never- oh hey ladies." A boy with big glasses winked.

"Sorry, I don't do boys who have large eyewear. They're usually trying to make up for something else." Y/n said.

A taller boy with curly hair suppressed his laughter at that.

"What about you ho-" the boy started.

"Grow a few inches and I might talk to you," Maddie said as she walked over to the stairs with y/n right beside her.

They walked past a slightly messy room and stopped in front of another one.

"Hey Georgie, you okay?" She asked.

"Yup! Look, I just finished my drawing! It's a turtle!" He exclaimed.

"Nice, George. Well if you need anything, I will be in my room." She said and started walking again. "That's my brother Georgie, he's the youngest of the family."

They had finally made it to the third room. It was a smallish room with light grey walls. It was a little messy, but nothing you wouldn't expect from a high schooler. There was a brown desk in the corner littered with books and papers, and a few feet to the side was her bed. It wasn't a big bed, somewhere between a twin and a full, but it looked comfortable. A simple wooden bed frame, light gray sheets and a comforter sloppily put together, and a stuffed animal or two. On the floor was a small rug made of different shades of pink. In the corner to our side were two comfy-looking chairs with a small table in the middle. Maddie walked over and sat in one of the chairs, motioning for me to sit in the other.

3rd Person P.o.V.

"So, what do you think of everyone I Derry? Anyone catch your eye?" She asked.

"Maybe." I said, elongating the 'e' at the end.

"Ooh, who?" She asked.

"I'll tell you on one condition," I told.

"What is it?" She asked.

"You have to tell me who you like." I smiled.

"Fine, but you first." She answered.

"Alright. Well, in my short time of being here, only one boy has caught my eye." I said in a slightly fancy accent.

"And that is?" Maddie asked.

"Victor Criss." I spat out quietly.

Maddie's jaw dropped.

"Victor Criss? As in the bleach blonde who hangs out with Henry Bowers?" She asked.

"Yup." I clarified.

The Second Hockstetter {Victor Criss x reader}Where stories live. Discover now