Chapter 23

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Today is the day I appear in front of court against my brother, his best friend, and my old best friend.

"I would like to request Y/n L/n up to the stand." Belch's lawyer announced.

This was only for the destruction of property charges. The hearing for Madeleine's trespassing charges is in a week. I walked up to the stand and all that jazz and the questions started.

"I would like to start with some simple questions. What us your relationship to Patrick Hockstetter?" Belch's lawyer was questioning me first.

"He is my brother."

"How close were you with your brother?"

"Objection, relevance."

"Overruled. Please answer the question, y/n."

"I was not very close to him."

"Did you two hang out often?"

"When we were with friends, yes."

"Where were you Saturday, May 3rd, 1989, at around 4 o'clock?"

"I was at the Derry Quarry around that time."

I went on answering questions until the court ordered a break, and I was allowed to get some lunch. When I got back, it was time for Patrick's lawyer to question me.

"As you have said previously, you are not very close with your brother, why is that?"

"Objection relevance."

"Sustained, please move on."

"Did you ever hear any rumors about your brother, particularly from his friends?"

"Objection, hearsay."

"Sustained, please move on."

The lawyer sighed.

"I have no further questions for the witness."

Eventually, I was allowed to go back to my seat in the back, watching my brother get convicted of destruction of property.

ö Time skip brought to you by that one guy who died's 'I <3 Derry' hat

After going through all of the cases, all of them were found guilty, and were sentenced to jail. We just finished Madeleine's trial for trespassing on private property, which she was also found guilty of. Finally an end to this. Vic and I have plans to go out to dinner now that the trials are over. Nowhere fancy, we just borrowed Belch's car and got some McDonalds.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"For what?" He asked.

"For everything. For being there for me when no one else was, for staying strong to be someone I could lean on even though you were suffering too, for helping us win the case, and even for this food, everything."

"You've done so much for me too. I know I don't say it nearly enough but thank you, you are the best thing that's happened to me. I mean if you never came down here I'd probably have become some sick sociopath like Henry and Patrick, and looked what happened to them. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you, thank you for letting me stay in your room that one time even though you knew Patrick was gonna kill you, thank you for making me the normal sized food even though everyone else got mini pancakes, thank you for being by my side, and most importantly, thank you for being one of the few people I can actually trust."

"Hey, Vic, can I be honest with you?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"I think I love you."

"Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course."

"I think I love you too."
Word count: 544

I think that's a good place to end it. I'm gonna go work on starting up Belch's book now! See ya there (hopefully)!


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