14: Sirius Black - A Perfect Gift

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House: Gryffindor

 I had been planning this particular present for my boyfriend's eighteenth birthday for the past year. Sirius Black and I had been together for almost two years, us having gotten together during our fifth year and us now being in our seventh. Everyone was surprised when the infamous flirt actually got in a relationship and despite there being a few bumps in the road due to his naturally flirty personality, we were perfect for each other.

I knew of his harsh family, and the pain they made him suffer. I begged my parents multiple times to let Sirius come and live with us to save him from going to that hell hole of a house, but our home was only just big enough for the three of us. Thankfully though, last year, Sirius ended up running away to James' house. They were a wealthy family with a much bigger house, so Sirius was able to feel at home there thankfully.

Sirius had admitted to me though that he felt guilty for suddenly appearing in their lives uninvited, but despite me assuring him the Potters wouldn't think in such a way he was still adamant, so suggested that straight after Hogwarts, he and I get a small flat together. I was ecstatic when he asked, happily agreeing and jumping into his arms.

Due to the unhappy life he had at Grimmauld Place, and the fact that the brother he used to love dearly had now grown apart from him, I knew that a heartwarming present for his eighteenth birthday was exactly what he needed. As his girlfriend I could tell he sometimes hid his pain behind his laughs and mischief, so I wanted this present to be something he could look at and hold whenever he was feeling down.

I had planned to make him a photo album. My parents had gotten me a Pentax camera for Christmas a few years ago, but I did have to send the rolls of film back to my parents for them to be developed seeing as there was no dark room at Hogwarts. Using this camera I took pictures of absolutely anything that would make Sirius smile. He assumed I was just an avid photographer, but little did he know I was doing this all for his benefit. I told the other Marauders plus a few of the girls about my plans, them promising to keep it a secret. I'd let them take and use my camera if they ever saw an opportunity to use it to capture the perfect moment.

It was the first Quidditch match of the season, Gryffindor against Hufflepuff. I made sure to get seats in the stands close to the Gryffindor rings so I could see my handsome boyfriend defending them almost effortlessly. I cheered loudly and attempted to take a few action shots, as well as taking pictures of the other Gryffindor supporters.

When the end of the match came, Dawson catching the snitch for Gryffindor, we immediately ran down the stands to join the team on the pitch. "Sirius!" I called out to him, running up and jumping into his arms. "You were amazing!"

"Aren't I always?" He asked with a cheeky smirk before planting his lips onto mine.

"Just take the damn compliment," I laughed when he pulled away. I of course took a few team photos, and one with Sirius proudly holding the quaffle representing all the saves he made. The team had to go back to the changing rooms though for a pep talk from James, so Lily, Marlene and I all headed back up to the castle.

"You know, I think Black would probably appreciate some portraits of you in this album your making for him," Lily said in a slightly teasing tone, nudging my arm. My eyes widened, ironically feeling a little camera-shy.


"What d'ya mean 'no'? You're his girlfriend, he'll love it!" Marlene enforced. "C'mon, it's a nice day and you're looking so cute in that outfit, let's head down to the edge of the forest and take some portraits of you!"

I didn't really get much say in the matter as the two girls dragged me down to a pretty looking area at the edge of the forest, flowers and shrubbery littering the ground. Marlene was the designated photographer whilst Lily set me up in a variety of different poses. Naturally I was embarrassed as they went into full David Bailey mode, but it was oddly fun.

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