17: James Potter - Mistletoe

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Note: This is a Christmas special!

House: Gryffindor

 James Potter was an annoying flirt who loved trying to get my attention. He'd been trying for the past year to get me to go on a date with him, and credit where credits due he was persistent. He'd always compliment me at any chance he would get, he'd always try to partner up with me in class and he'd always ask to study with me whenever he wasn't pulling pranks with the Marauders. He'd even ask me to go on trips to Hogsmeade with him which I often accepted, as I did enjoy spending time with him despite his constant flirting.

Now that it was getting closer to Christmas, he seemed to have a new trick up his sleeve. He'd tried it multiple times but had never managed to execute it properly. His trick was that he seemed to always carry around a piece of mistletoe, and whenever I was nearby or entering the room he'd try to quickly approach me and hold it above us, but I always managed to step out of the way just in time, or he was too far away for me to be classed as underneath it.

I folded my arms each time he tried this cheap trick, knowing that I should've seen it coming. I wasn't sure whether he had actual feelings for me or whether he was just messing around, wanting a girls attention. I resisted him, despite the fact he was attractive, funny, playful...

"(y/n)!" James' voice called out to me. I sighed as I was halfway through an essay and keen to finish it before the night was finished.

"What?" I huffed as he approached me. "I swear to God Potter, if you have a piece of mistletoe behind your back I'm going to go mad."

He laughed awkwardly and shook his head, but didn't reveal what was hidden behind his back meaning I had hit the nail on the head. "'Course I don't," he scoffed, me rolling my eyes. "What're you doing?" He asked, sitting beside me. I was a little shocked he was actually taking an interest in school work, but still I told him about the subject of my essay for Transfiguration. He seemed genuinely interested and sat beside me as I worked, and it was moments like this that I actually appreciated. He was a nice person, someone who I realised I loved spending time with.

I was beginning to suspect that I may have grown a small crush on the boy. I had tried to hide my feelings but it reached the point where as soon as I realised I felt this way, it was too late. I was too far gone, my feelings for him becoming stronger than I would've liked. I tried to hide my feelings for him, still feeling a little cautious and wondering whether he just wanted attention or whether he truly felt that way about me. After all, I'd never expect someone to be so open about their feelings for someone if they were true, but then again, what would he get by lying?

When we were on our own together it felt fun, like when we went on trips to Hogsmeade just the two of us. We'd play about in Zonko's, he'd buy me sweets from Honeydukes and we'd have a drink in the Three Broomsticks. He'd always act so gentlemanly, but then in the evenings in the common room or in the Great Hall at dinner, he always seemed to have some mistletoe in his back pocket.

"(y/n)!" He'd cry out as he approached me at the Gryffindor table laid with various foods. "What?" I let out a sigh as he stood beside me with a beam on his face, but I already knew what he was about to do, only now I realised I had no escape. I saw him pull the plant from his back pocket but as he raised it in the air, Sirius ran up behind him and jumped on his back, almost tackling him to the floor. He at least made James stumble forward, him also dropping the mistletoe to the floor and I couldn't help but laugh at his failed attempt.

"Prongs! Don't run so far ahead!" Sirius shouted before he even noticed me. Behind Sirius I spotted the other Marauders approaching, both of whom were chuckling slightly at the scene we had all just witnessed.

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