21: James Potter - Meant to Be Part Two

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Note: This is part two of two, so make sure you read the first part otherwise this won't make sense! And I must say, writing for a young Harry is so much fun.

House: Hufflepuff

Requested by: Bella250202

- James' POV -

There was a knock at the door and the ever excitable Harry who was flying round on the broomstick his godfather bought him went straight to the door and opened it to reveal Remus. "Hey Harry!" He beamed at my son happily.

"Remus!" Harry jumped off of his broomstick and hugged Remus' leg, before dragging him inside.

"Hey Moony," I greeted my best friend and he smirked. "What?"

"You're all dressed up, you trying to impress?" He asked and I tried to stop my cheeks from heating up.

"No, there's just no harm in looking decent," I said, finishing buttoning up my shirt.

"I can't believe you're going on a date with (y/n) after all this time," Remus said and I rolled my eyes.

"It's not a date, it's just two friends catching up," I said with unintentional disappointment in my tone. " I don't doubt that she sees it that way too, I mean I- she's probably moved on, me and her were years ago after all," I said but somehow seeing her again after all this time sparked something inside of me. She was even more beautiful than I remembered her to be, she was so kind and playfully sweet with Harry. I had had difficulty getting her out of my mind, and it was driving me a little crazy but I was in deep denial. "Alright, I've got to go," I said, checking my watch. "I'll be a couple of hours," I kissed Harry's head and waved at the two of them as I left the house, apparating to a street near the coffee shop in London we had planned to go to.

As I walked down the street I spotted her waiting patiently outside in a summers dress, one I remember her having back in Hogwarts. The colour suited her perfectly, and it shaped her body well making her look even prettier- 'What am I thinking? Stop it James!' I tried repeating to myself as I approached her. "Hey," I announced my presence.

"Hello," she said with a sweet smile. "Shall we?" She gestured the cafe and I opened the door for her, feeling oddly satisfied at the slight flustered state she was in.

"So how are you?" I asked after we ordered our drinks, it having been a week since our encounter in the ministry.

"I've been okay," she said with a smile.

"I hope Harry didn't mess up your work to much that day," I said and she chuckled, shaking her head.

"I just had to put a few things back in order, but it didn't take me long. He seems like a curious kid," she said and I nodded.

"Yeah, he loves everything magical and can't wait to get his wand," I said, making sure we weren't overheard. A solemn look seemed to cast over (y/n)'s face, and for a moment I was worried that she didn't want to be here. "Er... (y/n)? Is everything okay?"

"I'm truly sorry about Lily, James," she said and I felt my heart tighten at the mention of my deceased wife's name. "Not only that but Sirius and Peter too... I spent ages wondering whether I should write to you and check you were okay but given how we had grown apart I wasn't sure you'd want to hear from me, particularly after how I treated you towards the end of Hogwarts, I just need you to know that I am sorry that they're gone, and I-,"

"(y/n)," I interrupted her rant by grabbing her hands that were rested on the table. "It's okay. Loosing the three of them was hard, and I still miss them but all that happened four years ago. I appreciate the fact that you were thinking of me, and I will admit that for the first year without them it was immensely hard, but Remus and Harry have helped me through it. And seeing you again has brought back happy memories from Hogwarts," I admitted and her eyes widened.

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