To the voice inside my head

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Little voice inside my head
I know you mean no harm
You've been there all my life
Never intended to cause bother
Only to keep me in the light


Sometimes I wish you'd pause
And think before you speak
Take a long moment to ponder
Do I need this?
Will it set me free?

Although you set out to protect
And shield me from the world
I feel the need to remind you
I'm not that little girl

The little girl who needed you close
For protection and safety
Who couldn't say what she needed
So relied on you completely


That little girl is grown now
And she's ready to face the world
It's time you let go of my hand
As I embark into a future
Of my own
With just your company and love.

Little poems I write at 3am to keep me saneWhere stories live. Discover now