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That girl was a hard headed creature. She ordered a 24-hour observation for my concussion. It was just a mild one, but my manager obeyed her and told me to just comply with it. I've caused enough problems already. He cancelled all my shooting schedules tomorrow, telling the director and the crew that I got sick suddenly. I was lucky he didn't call my parents or I would get another earful. Oh well, better use the free time to sleep. At least here I wouldn't have to see that face. I was sleeping when the nurse woke me up to check up on me. She checked my blood pressure and asked for any complaint. I told her I was hungry and she promised me lunch would be here soon. I checked at my watch and realized I've slept through breakfast time. No wonder I was starving. This was probably the longest sleep that I had for this week. I tried to be busy just to avoid being at home. After finishing one drama, I immediately agreed on another one. And another one. And a movie. I had to keep on doing it until my military enlistment. Then I would have two years holiday during my military duty.

"Will the doctor check up on me?" I asked the nurse that brought in my lunch.

"Yes, a doctor will check up on you later," she answered.

"Is it the same doctor that treat me in the ER?" I inquired, suddenly feeling a bit excited at the possibility of seeing the same ER doctor that treated me earlier. 

"No, she's just the ER doctor. We have another one for VIPs."

I shook my head. "No, I refuse to see another doctor. She's the one that treated me yesterday so I want her to check up on me." I made sure to make a fuss about it until the nurses started to make some phone calls. And another phone call. I bet they told the hospital administration about my request. I chuckled, imagining how furious she would be when her ass getting dragged back here to see me. I dozed off again after lunch and started to suspect that one of the medicine was a sleeping drug. I never slept this much after I arrived in Korea. It was dinner time when I finally saw the ER doctor from yesterday. I was amused when I saw her looking cool and calm.

"I heard you're looking for me?" she walked to the bedside and started to strike a conversation.

"Yes. I think it's unfair to let other doctor to judge my condition while you're the one that did the initial assessment, don't you think?" I tried to smile but she knew it wasn't a sincere one.

"Very well. Any headache?" I shook my head. "Any vomiting?" Again, I shook my head.

"Any problem with eating or drinking? Sleeping well?" I shook my head for the first question and nodded for the second one. After scribbling at the paper she was holding on, she turned to look at me with the same fake smile on her face.

"Okay then, it's safe for you to go home. You should take it easy though. No rigorous activities, no strenuous activities, especially no drinking and don't bang your head. Any question?" I almost laughed at her advice. Don't bang your head? Has any doctor ever said that to their patients? She told the nurse to take care of the administration and let my manager knew that I was good to go. Another nurse came in to take the IV off my hand and brought my clothes back. She then darted out of the room.


I still had another night duty tonight, but that jerk decided to disturb my sleep. I got a phone call from the hospital administration, telling me that the VIP patient I admitted yesterday, demanded to see me. He refused to be seen by the VIP ward doctor and specifically asking for me. I gritted my teeth. I looked at my watch. Had he not disturb my sleep, I'd still have another two hours sleep. Being sure that I couldn't get back to sleep, I dragged myself out of bed and headed toward the nearest minimart. I didn't have any food at home and I was too lazy to cook. I was on night duty so I deserved a lazy day. I had to preserve my energy for another night shift tonight. I bought several ready-to-eat meals and made sure they weren't expired yet. I remembered one time I was too tired from a night shift that I bought an expired one. Luckily, nothing happened. I decided to eat before taking a bath and headed back to the hospital. I had to discharge him before my night shift started.

I was trying to look calm when I walked into his room and he also pretended to make a good case of his reason. I pretended that it didn't bother me and proceed to examine him. After being sure that he didn't have any more symptoms from the concussion, I declared him okay to go. I told his manager and told the nurse to proceed his discharge paper. Up to my surprise, his managed walked toward me and slid a paper. I read what was written on it. NDA.

"I don't need to sign this. I'm obliged to doctor-patient confidentiality, so you don't have to worry," I slid the paper back to him.

"I know, but this is not for his condition. This is for not saying that he was here yesterday. He wasn't even here at all," his manager continued.

"I'm sorry but his medical record will still the same. I have to oblige to the law as well," I didn't budge still.

"I understand if it's for the medical record. But if anyone ever asked you about him ever being here, the answer is no. Or we can sue you for a handsome amount of money," he pushed the paper back to me and I read it carefully. He was right. If I ever broke the NDA, the fine that I had to pay would be impossible for me to pay. I had to work my ass off, with overtime and double shift, for 10 more years to get that amount of money. The VIP ward administrator walked up to me. I guessed she's already knew this VIP as she started to greet his manager. I pulled her aside and asked her a question regarding the NDA.

"Do I really need to sign this?" I asked her, showing her the paper in my hand.

"Unfortunately, yes. Even though you have your doctor/patient confidentiality, they don't want to risk it. Just sign it," she ordered me. I got no choice but to grab the pen and signed the NDA. I just wished I never saw him again. We waited until he finished changing his clothes and then bowed down when he came out of the room with his manager. So long, jerk, I said to myself. But when I straightened up my body, he was right in front of me and told me to lean forward.

"My offer is still valid, you know," he smirked and I knew exactly what he was talking about and gritted my teeth. I balled up my fist and restrained myself from punching him in the face. If I didn't remember that I still needed my job so I could pay for my bills and not burden my brother, I would punch his face.

Seeing Double (Park Jinyoung FF)Where stories live. Discover now