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Ughh, I wanted to pull my hair out. Whoever thought that forty days confinement would be beneficial for the mother and baby was insane. How could someone keep being sane if she's being confined in a small space with their newborn baby? Who periodically cried their heart out with their deafening cry? Yeah sure, maybe the confinement period might be beneficial for those mothers that still had their family to help them, or maybe had enough money to hire a nanny or confinement lady. But for common people like me? That didn't have their parents anymore, nor didn't have enough money to hire a nanny or a confinement lady.. surely the confinement period felt like hell.

Even though Aeyoung could be considered as an easy baby, but still.. I missed working and talking to my colleagues. I missed seeing other adults aside from my husband and my OBGYN when I went back for checkups. And my daughter's pediatrician. I missed doing something worthy and useful aside from cooking, breastfeeding, bathing a baby and barely sleeping as well as minimum eating and having a very quick shower. Where's my husband, you asked? Well, he had to work. His work didn't entail a parental leave so he had to keep working if we didn't want our savings gone by the end of my maternal leave. Anyway, speaking of my husband, somehow I was glad that he kept himself busy before leaving for the military and then he went back to work straight after being discharged.

More work meant that I got more stuff to see. Yeah sure, people said to catch some sleep when the baby was asleep. But I couldn't rest my eyes when Aeyoung was asleep. Not until I was extremely exhausted and almost passed out. So, to fight boredom, I decided to watch my husband's work. After all, wasn't it a wife's duty to appreciate her husband's hard work? So now, after grabbing a bucket of popcorn and arranging all the comfortable throw pillows and blankets on the couch, I was ready for another drama marathon. I really had to thank my husband for working hard since I was entertained for more than two hours thanks to his drama.

I had just finished feeding Aeyoung and was about to heat up my late dinner when my husband got back home. I immediately noticed his tired face.

"Hey, did you have dinner already?" I lifted the casserole in my hand, showing him what I was about to do, which was heating up the baked pasta in my hand.

"Not yet," he shook his head. "I'd like some if you don't mind."

"Not at all, I'm starving as well. I've just fed Aeyoung and somehow I get hungry again," I told him. "I'll heat it up."

"And I'll join you after I take a shower," he quickly slipped into the bathroom and soon, the sound of water trickling was heard.

I put the casserole into the microwave and put a timer on it. As I wanted, I noticed that my husband brought back a box. It was lying on the floor near the couch. Curious about the content, I decided to put it up on the island table and saw that there were CDs inside. Perhaps it was his music demo? But as I started to lift them one by one, I saw there was a label on it. It was his manager's handwriting. Geez, his handwriting was hard to read. What was this one? Fan? Fan Meat? Ahh.. Fan-meeting! Suddenly, an idea occurred to my mind, was this the recording of his fan meeting? More stuff to watch! I started to put aside those CDs from the music demo so I could watch it later when I ran out of stuff to watch.


I looked closely at Seonyoung from across the dining table. She looked exhausted, the dark circles under her eyes were getting darker and her complexion got paler each day. But it hasn't been forty days yet, so she couldn't go anywhere aside from doctor appointments. I had to remind myself to open the curtain wide every morning so she could get enough sunlight every day. Luckily, she didn't seem to lose a lot of weight, which meant, Aeyoung was getting enough nutrition as well, considering that Seonyoung exclusively breastfed Aeyoung.

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