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My manager was still in my house when I got home the next day. He told me Jinhyuk was quite persistent, just like me. He said we were twins alright. Two hard-headed people, he grunted. I laughed over his comment. He knew I wanted to tell Jinhyuk everything and he agreed with me. Though my dad has left my house, it didn't mean he has left Seoul yet, so I had to be quick before my dad came by again. I started to walk over to his room and took a deep breath before opening the door. There he was, sitting on his bed, looking straight toward me. No more surprised look on his face. I grabbed a chair and sat down.

"I'm guessing you have lots of questions on your mind right now," I started to talk. He just nodded slowly.

"You know, dad was against this, but everyone else around us think you should know about this. So, please let me know when to stop when you think it's too much for you," I warned him. He's just recovered from a year battle with his disease, so I didn't want to make him sick again.

"Okay, so, my name is Jinyoung," I started, and I already saw his eyes grew bigger when I told him my name. "I'm your twin. And your real name is Jinhyuk. I was put up into adoption because a shaman told our dad that I was the bad influence for you. You were sick the whole time so the shaman told dad that we had to be separated. Our aunt from our mom's side adopted me and brought me to US, so I never heard about you guys anymore. Not until you got sick," I eyed him warily but he still looked okay.

"You were so sick that you couldn't move your legs, and then you couldn't breathe so they had to put you on ventilator. I was called home to replace you because you only had several months left in your contract with JYP. You were about to promote your last album with your group as well. They had to laser all my tattoo so I could look like you. Well, long story short, dad was worried your contract was annulled so I had to replace you. Luckily I managed to fool everyone, though Jaebeom hyung was the hardest to convince. When your group decided to leave JYP, oh yeah, forgot to tell you. They decided to leave JYP but kept the group intact. After that, I immediately signed with BH entertainment since I was better in acting than singing/dancing, and I needed a new environment so people wouldn't suspected me. I released a single for your fans, the one that you've been working on with Distract hyung? Well, we finished it. The other one as well. The one you made for your group?" Again, I stopped for a bit to see his reaction. Still nothing. So I kept going on.

"Your group released 'Encore' then Mark hyung went home. Jackson stayed for awhile before left for China as well. Only Bambam left here. The others took turn releasing music for your fans, while I busied myself doing drama after drama. I've just finished shooting with Go Eun noona and my next project will be a movie. Okay, that's on the work front, anything you want to ask?" I looked at him and he shook his head.

"Okay. So, you knew Seonyoung right? The doctor that took care of you lately?" He nodded. "She's the only one that managed to stay that long. The others were tempted to leak the information out so they were fired and had to pay huge amount of fine that only God knows when they will be able to pay back. Anyway, dad fired her last night since I wasn't supposed to be outside my room when I got home. But you found out about me when I was talking to her, so dad suspected she had ulterior motive and fired her. As for your condition, Seonyoung told me you're okay for now, you just have to do physiotherapy to strengthen your leg muscles. As for the group, last night I told Jaebeom hyung everything. If you're okay with it, I'm planning to tell the rest of the members as well. He said he'd welcome us both if we both decided to join the group," I finished my story and looked at him. "So, what do you think?"

"What about dad?" he asked.

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you about it. I asked manager hyung about it. He said it will okay for both of us since your previous contract has expired and the new contract was signed by me. The only problem is dad. He might be imprisoned for forging data." After I finished telling him everything, he became really quiet.

"What do you think? Tell me your thoughts. I've been thinking about this all night by myself," I poked him a little.

"I don't know. Everything is... too much to handle," he seemed a bit shock. I had to admit. If I were in his position, I'd be confused as well.

"It's okay. Just think slowly. Let's start talking one by one. About your group, are you okay with me telling the rest of the members?" I asked.

"I guess it'll be okay. They are like brothers to me," he admitted. I nodded as I saw his members were like brothers when they gathered around.

"Okay then. Let's do one step at a time. Telling your group first," I decided. "Now finish your breakfast, your physiotherapist will arrive soon," I said while standing up, ready to leave the room.

"Jinyoung-ah, wait, am I the hyung or is it you?" he suddenly asked.

"I'm the hyung," I told him.

"Oh, hyung then, I'm sorry. You had to go such trouble because of me. Please convey my apologize to Seonyoung seonsaengnim as well."

"It's okay. At least we're now on the same page. I've apologized to Seonyoung last night, but I'll convey yours as well," I told him before leaving the room. At least I had a reason to call her again, didn't I? I told my manager that Jinhyuk was okay with telling the group first and he nodded. Today I didn't have anything on my schedule since I had finished shooting, so I decided to call Jaebeom hyung again. Might as well finish it today.

"Hyung, are you free tonight?" I immediately asked when he picked up his phone.

"Tonight? I am, but I have radio at 12," he answered.

"It won't be that late," I answered. I told him to drop by at my apartment later that night. I told him Jinyhuk was okay to meet the rest of the members with me and explained everything, so I asked him I asked all members to come to my place at 7 PM. Well, except for the foreign members that were still abroad. Soon, all of them arrived at my apartment. I ordered chicken and pizza for everyone.

"Whoaaa.. what's the occasion, hyung?" Bambam asked.

"I thought you miss me," I teased him, referring to his fan meeting when he cried while saying he missed his members.

"Oh hyungg...." he whined but still hugged me.

"Hyungg... I'm hungryy...," Youngjae came after he was finished with his schedule.

"Help yourself," I let him go inside. Yugyeom followed him and just nodded to me before going in. Jaebeom hyung has already arrived. For once, he wasn't late.

"So, what's the occasion?" Youngjae asked again with his mouth still full of chicken.

"Wait, I need to get another person," I said.

"What? Is Jackson hyung or Mark hyung coming?" Bambam asked.

Jaebeom hyung smacked his head, "Just wait, you punk!"

I went into Jinhyuk's room and helped him to walk out of the room.

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