DAY ONE: Letters To Santa w/ Jay Halstead [XMAS BINGO]

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Anon: Letters to Santa Claus make it angsty with jay

Pairings: Jay Halstead x Reader, Jay Halstead x Hailey Upton

Featuring: [Daughters name], Y/n, Teacher, Principal, Jay Halstead [mentioned], Hailey Upton [mentioned]

Summary: [Daughters name] wants her parents to get back together.

Warnings: angst, slight fluff, errors I missed.

w/c: 1080


[Daughters name] two grade teacher stared at the piece of paper in shock.

She asked her class of grade twos to write a letter to Santa Claus. Every kid except for D/n wrote how they wanted toys, etc, except for Daughters name. was different.

It pulled at the teacher's heartstrings. Rereading what she wrote in her messy writing.

Dear Santa Claus,

My name is [],

I am seven years old. I think I have been nice.

All I want for Christmas is for my parents to get back together.

Thank you, Santa

With a heavy sigh, the teacher dropped the letter. She had to ring Jay and you. Which was hard to sometimes get a hold of him or you. Since Jay is a detective and you are a doctor.

She tried Jay first, but it rang out, going to voice mail.

"Hello, Jay. I am just ringing you to inform you about your daughter, [Daughters name], I am worried about her, could you call back or come in, so. We can talk," She spoke. She ended the call.

She let out a sigh before dialling your number.

You picked up on the second ring.

"Hello, Miss [teacher's name]," You greeted her.

"Hello, y/n, I was just calling you to inform you that I am worried about [Daughters name], she-" She spoke, but you cut her off.

"Is she okay?" You asked, panic in your voice.

"She is not hurt, least not physically, mentally she is, I think she is taking the breakup of her parents hard, and the fact that her father is dating another woman that isn't her mother," She spoke.

"Okay... I will come right now," You spoke.

"See you when you get here," She spoke. Hanging up. She looked at the letter [Daughters name] wrote, heart, aching for the little girl.

While you rushed out of lakeshore hospital. Getting into your car in a hurry and speeding off to d/n's school.

Finding a parking spot at the school. Quickly parking the car. you put the car in park and turned the engine off. Putting the handbrake up. Taking the keys out of the ignition, as well as taking your seatbelt off. Opening the door. Getting out of the car in a hurry. You slammed the door. Locking your car. Running towards the school. You didn't stop running till you reached [Daughters name] teachers room. You didn't really care that you were still in your scrubs.

Once you reached the room, you entered it. Seeing [Daughters name] teacher and the principal looking at a piece of paper. She looked up when she heard the door open as well as footsteps approaching her.

She gestured you to sit down. You quickly sat down on the chair in front of her. Looking back and forth between the teacher and principal.

[Daughters name] teacher handed you the letter. Giving you a look of sympathy.

You took the piece of paper from her.

Heart hammering hard as you read what was written on the piece of paper. Not hearing what the teacher was saying.

She wanted you to get back with her father Jay. And that stung.

You caught the last part of what the principal said,

"I will go pull her out of class so you can take her home, talk things through with her," She spoke, as she left the room to go receive your daughter.

You stared at the words. Heart racing faster. You gulped. You missed Jay, but the two of you weren't working out. It was more fighting than love. Your jobs always seemed to be the issue.

The door opened revealing the principal and your little girl. She looked shy. She probably thought she was in trouble.

You quickly placed the letter on the table and rushed over to her. Crouching down and holding your arms out. She quickly wrapped her arms around you. collapsing against you.

"Mommy," She beamed.

"Your mother is going to take you home early," The principal spoke.

"Am I in trouble?" She asked. Looking at the principal.

"No, sweetie, I thought I would pull you out of school early," You spoke. Making her look back at you.

She looked conflicted wanting to ask why, but she didn't, she just smiled.

"See you tomorrow," The teacher and principal said.

After bidding her teacher and principal goodbye, you took a hold of [Daughters name] hand, walking her out of the school, as she told you about her day.

You unlocked the car. Opening the back door for her, and helping her in. Putting her backpack in the backseat. Once you got her all sorted out, and her seatbelt on you shut the door. Went to the driver's side door, opened the door and got in.

You closed the door. Put your seatbelt on, then put the key into the ignition. Turning the key. The car roared to life. You put the car in reverse, putting the handbrake down. Slowly reversing, you then put the car in drive and drove off.

"How about we have a girls night, movies, lots of chocolate," You spoke. Looking at [Daughters name] in the rear-view mirror. She smiled up at you.

"Yes," She shouted excitedly. Her happy expression turned sad.

"What about all the people you save?" She asked with a worried tone. Frowning.

"Your more important," You replied. She let out a little giggle, making you smile. Heart-warming.

It almost made you not want to say what you were going to say next.

"You do know mommy and daddy love you right?" You spoke. Looking at her then at the road again.

"Yeah..." She responded. Slightly confused.

"Even though we aren't together, we love you very much," You spoke again. This seemed to upset her.

[Daughters name] looked down at her feet. A frown set on her lips.

"What's wrong bub?" You asked her.

"It's just daddy is always with Hailey, and sometimes it doesn't feel like he loves me," She spoke. Lip trembling. You felt your heart breaking in two.

"Oh, baby, do you want me to talk to him?" You asked her. Giving her a look of sympathy.

"No, I just want daddy and you to get back together," She spoke.

"Maybe, one day baby," You promised her. You knew it was an empty promise.

"I hope so," She spoke. Looking out the window, but she was thinking something else. I'm going to make sure of it, she thought to herself...


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