A New Edition | Jay Haltead

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Requested by SabrinaJenre

❄PAIRINGS: Jay Halstead x F!Reader

FEATURING: Jay Halstead, Y/n, Hayden Halstead, Justin Halstead, Hank Voight.

❄SYNOPSIS: Y/n tells, her father Voight, her husband, and her children she is pregnant again at a family dinner.

❄WARNINGS: errors I missed, just some wholesome fluff,

❄w/c: 392

❄AUTHORS NOTE: please note Xmas requesting is closed. But you can request non-Xmas things for Chicago PD.

❄DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT give consent/permission for my work to be copied and pasted on other platforms. HOWEVER, I highly encourage feedback, likes, reblogs, and comments.

You didn't know if it was due to your hormones of being pregnant, but you were overwhelmed. Your eyes pricked with tears. Jay noticed. His face contorted into worry.

"Are you okay?" Jay whispered. Taking a hold of your hand.

"Yeah," You responded. Giving him a reassuring smile. Jay didn't believe you, however, but he didn't want to push you into telling him since the two of you were at your father's house with the twins.

You stood up abruptly. The chair screeches on the floor. Jay was already looking at you, with a worried expression.

Your father Hank, and Jay, and your twin boys Justin and Hayden turned their attention to you. Justin and Hayden looked at you curiously. While your father Hank looked worried. Jay and he shared a look of concern.

"I have a surprise for everybody," You announced. Justin and Hayden let out cheers. Thinking they were getting presents. However, Jay and Hank shared another look at each other. Wondering what you were talking about.

You took a deep breath. Your hand was still holding Jay's. Jay's thumb rubbed soothing circles on the back of your hand for reassurance.

"I'm pregnant," You announced. Beaming at them. You heard the sounds of gasps. You quickly looked at Jay.

Jay was smiling happily. Tears prick his eyes. He got up. Letting go of your hand, so he could wrap his arms around you. Carefully hugging you.

"I love you so much," He whispered into your ear. You could hear him sniffling. He pressed a soft kiss on the top of your head.

Jay pulled away from you, looking at your father and the twins.

"I'm going to be a father again," Jay beamed. Making you smile.

"Congratulations sweetheart, and Jay," Hank spoke. Making tears slip from your eyes. As Jay held you close to his side.

Hank got up. Rushing over to Jay and you. Hugging the both of you.

"We are going to be big brothers," Justin and Hayden spoke at the same time. Hank, Jay and you let out a chuckle, as Justin and Hayden talked about how they were going to be the best big brothers ever.

Jay pressed a kiss against your temple.

"I love you so much, thank you, this is the best Christmas present ever," He spoke against your skin, making your heart race...


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