Chapter 1 Activating Sharinggan

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As Tsuyu was about to get disintegra- te, Izuku just remembered how will it happen, how will she die?

As Tsuyu was about to get disintegra- te, Izuku just remembered how will it happen, how will she die?

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Izuku's eyes changed. Three dotted lines appeared at both of his eyes. Time went very slow, but not to Izuku.

He look confuse at second before he took this as an opportunity to grabbed Mineta and Tsuyu and ran away from the area.

Izuku isn't that much fast so he tried using One for All on his leg so that it can increased his speed.

"Hmm?" The blue haired boy said known as Shigaraki, he look confuse as he saw Tsuyu disappeared. He wandered his eyes around and saw a Current heading straight to the entrance.

"Nomu... Go fetch." Shigaraki ordered as he pointed at the current.

With a blink of an eye, the Nomu disappeared and dashed at the Current aka Izuku.

As Izuku is heading straight at the Entrance hall, his body moved and his eyes moved on his left and saw the Nomu dashing right at them.

In instinct, Izuku lowered his head down to dodge the fist of Nomu that almost crushed them, this frightened Izuku, making him scream in terror.

Unknown to him, his still running and accidentally tripped to a rock. Izuku accidentally let go of Tsuyu and mineta. The two we're came rolling down(not unconscious).

Tsuyu groaned in pain as she slowly lift herself up. Mineta on the other hand was paralyze after experiencing a near death encounter from a Nomu.

After Izuku had let go, he rubbed his head in pain before seeing the Nomu coming right after him, it raises it's fist and went in for a punch.

Time slowed down until.


The Nomus punch hit the boy, but.... To everyone's surprised, it wasn't Izuku who got hit... It was...
"SORRY I WAS LATE! BUT DO NOT FEAR!! I AM HERE!" All Might comes in and blocked the punch.

Izuku as well as Tsuyu and the rest of the class had their faces widened with smile. Joy fill their hearts that the
No. 1 hero came in to save them from danger.

(Izuku's POV)

I smiled upon seeing All might saving us, lucky for us, but I heard that this Villain is made to kill All Might, I hope you win this fight.


I gave him a nod before using my new ability to sprint my way to grab Tsuy- I mean Tsu and Mineta.

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