Chapter 4 The Eye Of Sharinggan

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"..." Character Talking

"..." Character Thinking

"..." Character Yelling

"Kuchimasake. I want you to help this boy to continue what I want." Said by a voice.

Kuchimasake: "Yes Master. I won't disappoint you."

Izuku is now seen at U.A's library, looking for a book about the Uchiha.after his encounter with Shinsou.

He said; Uchiha, which confuses Izuku. This got him even more curious and start looking for many books about eyes and Uchiha.

He was only able to find Eyes of Animals, Shinobi World and the Shinobi Eye: Sharinggan.

Izuku went over to the table and read the book of Sharinggan.

To much to his surprised. The eye that. Was written over the book is somehow relatable to the eyes that he posses.

Izuku: "So that's what it was... The Sharinggan holds the power to store many chakras? What's that?"

Izuku continued reading and found many interesting things such as Chakra is formed to everyone and that they hold the power of an incredible strength that is far more greater than Quirks.

Reading this made Izuku more interested about the Shinobi Era as he wants to learn more about them.

He even found a books about the Shinobi Era, this includes "The Make out tactics" in which Izuku took it without realizing what it is.


Later that Day, Izuku went back home and started learning about skills of what the Shinobi Era do.

Izuku didn't even realize that the fact that U.A hid this from society is something they should be angered since this could help the world change to what it was supposed to be.

After reading, Izuku placed his finger under his chin and said.

Izuku:"So this is the Uchiha clan, wow... I can't believe Itachi Uchiha massacre his entire clan just to save them, did he really save them, or did he just murder them?"

But what peak his interest is the eyes of Sharinggan, The Goat Legend Madara Uchiha, Boruto's Dad fox, and Boruto's Dad son jougan.

Later that day, Izuku walked back home wile reading the books that he has got.

Izuku: "The Uchiha... That guy said in Uchiha... Does that mean this eyes are more than just a Quirk? Why would U.A. keep something like this?"

Later that Day. Izuku walked home alone, he also brought many books that are relatable to Jutsu's, it's quite interesting and he could probably use them for the Sport Festival and show All Might what he can do.

But on his way home, he saw someone. Izuku didn't talk to him and walk past the person but.

???:"Hello, young Uchiha." The person whispered.

Izuku's eyes we're widened in shock, he look at the person who says it and saw the person starring at him.

Izuku:"You.... Know.... You know me?"

Izuku ask in shock.

???'"As a matter a fact; yes. My name is Kuchimasake, also known as a loyal servant of the Uchiha Clan."

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