Chapter 1

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Tony decides to go to the gym for his workout. He worked out at his mansion but decided to change things up. He found the most perfect gym to visit and it's called Steve's Gym. Tony mainly picked the gym since the guy owning it caught his eye. Tony wanted to flirt with him and maybe ask him out on a date. That was his plan.

Tony wore black shorts and a white tank top. He walked into the gym and went up to the front counter since that was where Steve was. Steve was working on something on the computer. Tony leaned against the counter and said"Hi, what are you working on?"

Steve forwarded his eyebrows. He was confused why the famous Tony Stark was here. "Since when do you come to gyms. I thought you worked out from your home".

"Well I do but I decided to change plans for today and maybe I'll come back tomorrow if I like what I see", Tony winked at Steve.

Steve caught on fast that Tony was flirting with him and brushed it off. "I think you'll be happy with everything here."

"I think so too. Now is it possible for me to get a trainer?"Tony asked, licking his lips.

Steve knew what was coming next. "Yes, but they are all busy at the moment".

"Oh... Well... can you be my trainer", Tony says as he reads Steve's nametag. "Mr. Steve Rogers, what do you say?"

"Sorry Mr. Stark but I'm a bit busy today", Steve replied.

"Call me Tony."

"Okay Tony, would you like me to make you an appointment with a trainer?"Steve asked.

"No, but I would like your number", Tony smiled at him.

"I uh... why are you asking me out?"Steve asked. Steve didn't see himself as attracted.

"Because you're fucking... gorgeous", Tony replied with a smile.

Steve smiled a bit and said"Okay." Steve pulled his phone out and handed it to Tony so he could put his number in it. Tony added his number in Steve's contacts.

Once Tony finished that... he messaged himself hi and handed Steve his phone back. " Had to message myself so I could have your number".

Steve laughed and said, "Of course you did".

"So how about this Saturday at 7 pm?"

"Okay", Steve said smiling. Steve still couldn't get over the fact that billionaire Tony Stark asked him out on a date. It's not every day a rich man asks you out.

"I'll pick you up in my limo. Just text me your address".

"Will do", Steve said.

"See you on Saturday Mr. Rogers. And I'll properly be texting you a whole lot until Saturday".

Steve laughed. "See you on Saturday Tony and I look forward to your texts".

Tony left Steve's gym and went over to Starbucks. He bought himself a large peppermint hot chocolate and pulled his phone. He had to text his best friend the news.

Tony: Guess what!?

Stephen: What?

Tony: I got myself a date on Saturday.

A date? Stephen was shocked. Tony was only single for 3 months and already found someone new. This broke Stephen's heart because during those 3 months... Stephen was planning on telling Tony he liked him and now Stephen lost Tony again. He was so mad at himself. Now all he thought about was that Tony and his new boyfriend would start dating, get married, and have kids. He didn't want any of that to happen. The only thing he could hope for is that Tony, his new boyfriend, wouldn't work out.

Stephen sighed and texted Tony back.

Stephen: Congratulations Tony.

Stephen: Who's the lucky guy?

Tony: His name is Steve Rogers. He works at Steve's Gym.

Oh, great Stephen thought to himself. Of course, he had to have the same name as his. I mean their names were spelled differently but they were pronounced the same way. Stephen sighed even more.

"What's got you all riled up?"

Stephen turned his head and it was his coworker Christine.

"It's Tony. He got a new boyfriend. Well, they are going on a date this Saturday", he replied.

"I told you. You shouldn't have waited so long,'' she said.

"I know. It's just I'm afraid that if I tell him... he'll reject me and then we will stop being friends. I don't want to lose my friendship with him".

"You won't know unless you ask Steph".

"I know maybe I'll ask him whenever he dumps his new boy toy".

Christine patted him on his shoulder and said", You'll get him one of these days".

"Thanks, Christine".

" Your welcome Steph".

Stephen looked at his phone and had several messages from Tony.

Tony: Hello Stephen?

Tony: Stephen you know I hate it when you take forever to respond.

Tony: Stephen?

Tony: What are you doing?

Stephen looked at Tony's messages and replied back.

Stephen: Sorry. Christine asked me a question.

Tony: What did she ask you?

Stephen: It's a secret Tony. You don't need to know everything.

Tony: I don't like secrets!

Stephen: Not telling you.

Tony: So unfair.

Stephen: 😂

Stephen Loves Tony AUWhere stories live. Discover now