Chapter 5

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E N J O Y😊

Lose Control - Chapter 5

As I felt his breath on my lips, I closed my eyes to wait for the most sensational kiss that I know would come between us. I felt him inch closer and closer to me. It felt like years! All I wanted to do was grab him and smash his lips to mine. I was to much of a chicken to actually go through with that. But then someone cleared there throat.

I opened my eyes, which was met with Talon's eyes. It was like he was staring right into my soul, as cheesy as it sounds. And I couldn't breathe. Then the throat cleared again, I wanted to kick whoever it was for interrupting this moment. I turned in Talon's arms, to see who it was that wanted our attention so bad. It turned out to be Danny.

When I saw him standing their I immediately jumped back from Talon because of the close proximity. I looked away from the guys as a blush rose onto my flushed cheeks.

After a few minutes Danny cleared his throat again, so I thought that now would be a good time to look back at him.

"Um, I just came over here to tell you that Laura and Katelynn are looking for you," He said to me as he scratched the back of his head. I could tell he was trying to hold in his anger.

"Oh, uh okay. Um, I guess I'll be at the table then.." I said whispered low enough that I didn't think they heard me, I saw them nod as I gave them one last glance before I headed off to the table.


Talon's POV

I watched as Jessica made her way back to the table, where Laura and Katelynn was sitting.

At the moment I was so pissed off. I can not believe that moment we had, had just been interrupted! Also, that I was so much in a daze about her amazing body, that I actually went up to her and decided to dance with her!

But I was even more pissed off that I let my guard down to stoop so close to about to kiss her! I was furious with myself. She looked like wanted it! Damn, I know she wanted it. I could tell from when she closed her eye and leaned into me. But I have to remind myself that she has been drinking tonight and it might, no it probably is the alcohol.

Ugh, why does life have to be so messed up?

No, why can't I just grow some balls and actually tell her that I like her more than a sister from another mother or more than a friend? Oh, yeah. That's right because I shouldn't like her at all! Or theirs also her brother that would possibly kick my ass if I try anything with his sister! I was snapped out of my outrageous thoughts by Danny.

"What the hell was that?!" He all but snapped at me.

And I was correct about my theory.

"Um, I don't know what you're talking about," I said back as I tried to act like I didn't know what he was talking about.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" He practically screamed at me.

"Dude! Calm down! It was nothing! Just the alcohol talking!" I snapped back, getting more pissed by the second. 

"Fine, but don't let me see it happen again!" He took a breath to calm down, then said, "Look, she still is my little sister. She means the world to me. You know that. And you are my best friend, that is older than her. I don't want her to get hurt. Nothing should happen with you too!"

"Okay man, I get it." I said as I held my hand up in surrender, the continued to say, "Look, you should know that I'd never hurt her. One, because you would kick my ass if I did. And two, because it's Jessica! I practically knew her my entire life, I'd never be able to do something like that. And this just happened. We all have been drinking, you could have expected that something out of the ordinary would happen."

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