Chapter 11

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Once I finally got up to my room, I put my phone on the charger and took a quick shower then changed into some pajamas.

I climbed into my comfy bed, exhausted ready for sleep to finally take over my aching body. 

Just as I was about to finally fall asleep, I heard my cell phone buzz with a text message. I reached out over to my nightstand and felt for my phone.

Once I finally found it, I picked it up and brought it to me. I turned on my side so I could see it better, when I clicked the sleep button for it to come on, I was instantly blinded by the light on the screen.

When my eyes finally adjusted to the bright light, I seen that it was an 'unknown' number and I clicked the text to see who it was.

All it read was a simple, 'Goodnight beautiful -J.M'.

It was from Jordan, but the question that kept running through my head was, 'How did he get my number?'

Then I thought that either Laura or Katelynn probably gave it to him.

With that thought, I switched the screen back off and sat it back onto the nightstand. Then I turned over and finally fell into a dreamless sleep for the night.


Lose Control - Chapter 11

Danny's POV:

I cannot believe Jess was doing that! I shouldn't be pissed, but I know things that Talon and Jess think I don't.

I know that Talon likes my sister.

I know that Jess likes my best friend.

I've known for a while now. Way before we even left for college.

Yes it pisses me off, that they both have some type of feelings for each other. I mean come on, it's my little sister and my best friend. But I rather have her with someone I know and trust then with some stranger! At least I know that when she's with Talon she'll be safe.

I was glad we did go to college together. I got to see how he acted around other girls, and surprisingly he didn't do anything during our whole year in San Diego. It was always work or studies keeping him occupied.

Yes, we went out to party. It's college, who wouldn't? But I never saw him show any interest in any other girls besides Jess.

Girls basically threw themselves at him and he'd just shake them off.

That's why I know he'd treat her right.

Also, Talon's a good guy. He deserves to be happy and not get hurt either. I believe Jess wouldn't hurt her, the same goes the other way around. I know Talon wouldn't break her heart, because I know he knows that he will have to deal with me and then my dad if he ever did. I know he wouldn't want that.

You're probably wondering, 'How does he know this?'

Well, honestly it's obvious. You can actually that they both do by them always sneaking a glance at each other, the way they look when you bring up one another's name, or even when you're in the room with both of them in it, you can feel the invisible affectionate attention they have for one another. It's really disturbing actually, well for me it is anyways.

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