Chapter 19

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Quick Note: A dedication goes out to @crazy___bitch because I loved her last comment. Lol. Thank you for leaving it! I had a great laugh!  Well readers, have some free time on your hands? Then go check out her stories! (:

**This chapter contains some very little sexual content**

Please read the Author's Note at the end!

Hope you enjoy! (:



He moved his gaze to me and smiled lightly, and said, "It's going to be okay though, he won't touch you again. Let alone come near you."

"Why's that?" I questioned with a small smile, even though I already know the answer.

"Because your boyfriend's going to always be by your side and never leave you alone," A smirk played on Talons' lips as he said that.

My smirk was bigger though as I played along with him, "Oh really? I have a boyfriend? Hm, well I guess I better give him a call and tell him that I don't remember him asking me to officially be his girlfriend."

As I started to get off the bed, Talon pulled me back down and flipped us over so my back was on the bed and he was hovering over me. A small gasp escaped my lips as I felt him leave a trail of butterfly kisses from my neck all the way to me lips. He softly skimmed his lips over my, but never officially kisses me yet. He looked me in the eyes as he spoke, each word he says his lips skim over mine and his warm breath makes me feel weak, "Jessica Michelle Hart, will you please be my, Talon Levi West, girlfriend?"

I smiled brightly, snaking my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. My lips hovering over his as I spoke looking him in the eyes, "Hell yes."

Talon chuckled lightly before smashing his lip right back to mine, for a rough passionate kiss. My tiredness and headache long forgotten as I make out with the man who is now my boyfriend. .


 Lose Control - Chapter 19

A month and a half. That's how long it's been since Talon and I have been together. Since he officially asked me to be his girlfriend. Everything has been going great. He's been the perfect gentleman to me.

Danny calls him whipped and frankly he his, he even admits it and is quiet happy about it. Laura and Katelynn envy our relationship, always saying that he's perfect and there is probably nobody else in the word like him. Which is true, he is one of a kind and thank goodness he is mine.

In about two weeks Danny and Talon are suppose to be going back to San Diego to register for there new classes, and get there dorm situated over there. The same for me also, even though I'm staying in Los Angeles to go to college doesn't mean I'm going to stay with my parents through college. I have had to go get registered for college and get myself a dorm.

We haven't talked about what's going to happen between us. I think we're both are afraid that if we say something, it's really sinking in that we either separate or have a long distance relationship. I honestly don't care for either of them, either way is going to be hard.

Beside that little detail, my headaches are now gone and I'm feeling better than ever. This summer has been probably one of the best.

After everything that happened with Jordan, we went back to our normal lives but a little more cautious and with Talon and I together. We went on dates, and hung out with Danny and the girls.

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