Chapter 1

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Lose Control - Chapter 1

one year later

  "I'm the kinda girl who doesn't say a word, who sits at the curb and waits for the world. But I'm about to break out, about to break out. I'm like a crook tonight.. I caught you staring at me and I was thinking clearly. And now I'm like a bee and I'm huntin' for the honey. And I'm kinda shy but you're super fly, yeah I could be your kryptonite.." My friends, Katelynn, Laura, and I sing in my 2006 Jeep Wrangler with the top off, on our way to the beach. It was the first day of summer and we couldn't wait to get our tans started.

Laura is in her hot pink two piece with black sandals and big sun glasses. With her natural blonde hair up in a messy bun, she couldn't look more gorgeous for someone who didn't even try to look good today.

The same goes for Katelynn. She just has a simple black two piece on with gray flip-flops, with her brown hair, that has a tint of red in it, in a messy bun on top of her head.

Then their's me, I have simple brown hair that's a little fried from using the flatiron too much and caramel light brown eyes. I'm currently wearing a peach colored two piece with black flip-flops. My hairs up in just a simple ponytail. I'm not trying to sound preppy or whatever but I am pretty, I know that. But I'm not drool worthy, I guess you can say. But I'm okay with that.

Anyways, back to reality. We're heading to the beach to start our summer and get a tan for tonight. Which we're going to a club to start summer off also.

"Hello! Jess, wake up! We're sitting here just talking away and your just staring off in space, while driving! I may add." Katelynn said as she rolled her eyes.

"Uhh, sorry. What was you saying?" I asked.

"We were asking if you're excited about tonight." Laura pitched in saying, looking up from the book she was reading.

"I guess, I mean I'm excited for summer. But I don't really think I'm in that big of a partying mood." I said. As they stare at me like I was stupid, so I finished by saying, "You both drink until you guys get wasted and can't stand up straight. Or hook up with some random hot guy. Which I guess is totally fine, since I am talking about you two. But you both know that I am not like that. Well, you know I don't hook up with guys. I do drink, but not to the point where I can't stand up straight on my own two feet anymore. Just until I'm a little tipsy."

"Bless us all! Isn't that the truth! You gotta have a little fun every once in a while! And plus, we don't hook up that much. It's only when their absolutely ab lick-able," Katelynn said as she winked at me and Laura blushed.

"Haha ain't that the truth. Well, besides that time last year when you hooked up with that chess player, whatever his name was," I said as I smirked and winked right back at Katelynn.

She gave me a horrified face and said, "I told you to never speak of that incident again! I'll admit I was totally wasted when that happened, but he wasn't that bad now that I think about it. Man, that kid had some skills." Katelynn finished as I just rolled my eyes at her, while glancing at Laura who was reading a book. We both just smiled at each other, secretly laughing our asses off in our heads.

Just as Laura started to read her book, Katelynn started to speak again, "And his name was Michael!" By this point Laura and I was laughing our asses off out loud.

I looked at Katelynn in the rear view mirror and said while laughing a little still, "You remembered his name?!"

"Why, of course! It was only necessary since a did take his v-card," She said as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

I just looked at her as if she was crazy and was about to say something when Laura beat me to it and said, "We're here! Thank goodness! I having conversation with you all! Lets just drop this weird subject and head to the beach, shall we?"

We just nodded our heads and got our things out of the back of my Jeep, and headed off to the beach to get our tan and to start summer.


After we found a spot on the beach, we spent most of the day there just hanging out and gossiping about what college would be like after summer. We started to gather our things to leave around six, so we'd have enough time to go get ready for the club and to just chill for a bit at home.

After we gathered our things, we headed back to my Jeep. Once we got there, we threw everything in and went on our way. The ride was mostly quiet besides the radio in the background, since we were all tired and sweaty from the beach.

I dropped the girls off, so we could clean up and meet later for the club. I, of course, will be the designated driver, so will be taking my vehicle. When I got home my parents vehicle wasn't there, so I figured they were going out to eat or something.

After I locked the front door - because you never know what could happen - I went upstairs to my room and turned on the radio loud enough for me to hear in the shower, then went into my en-suite to take a much needed shower.

After my refreshing and relaxing shower I just simply threw on my undergarments, a black tank-top, and some purple short pajama shorts. I also threw my hair up in a messy bun on top of my head, for me to fix a little later when I get ready for the club.

I put my iPhone on the charger, then headed downstairs toward the kitchen for some water. After I got a glass of water, I was in front of the sink looking out the window. I started thinking about some of the crazy things that happened our senior year.

While I was in my own thoughts, I didn't hear the front door unlock and open. And I certainly didn't hear someone coming up behind me, that was until the person wrapped there arms around me that made jump out of my skin.

When I spun around to see who the intruder was. I was certainly surprised, but happy to see who it was.

"Danny!" I whispered softly, still surprised.

"Yep, it's me! In the flesh and blood little sis," He said so simply, but had a really big happy smile on his face.

Once I got out of my shocked phase, I jumped in his arms and hugged him as if it was for dear life. I heard him chuckle and I got out of his arms, so I could look at him. He was still the same brown hair, green eyed boy that got his eyes from our mother, I seen a year ago. Just a little taller and a bit more built.

After I got done looking him over I said, "What are you doing here?"

"I came home to spend the summer with you guys, I missed you all so much. It's weird not having you all around me. So we decided to come and spend the whole summer with you all. Mom and dad pick us up a few minutes ago. They just dropped us off though, they're going on a date," Danny said with a weird face towards the end.

"That's so awesome! I didn't think you'd be able to do that! And we missed you a lot here too, it's not the same without you around bugging me. And.. Wait, did you say 'we'? And I recall an 'us' in their too. Who did you bring with you?" I asked confused. As I closed my eyes and prayed to the heavens above, to not let it be who I think it is.

I heard a throat clear, "Um, hey Jess. You look great," The voice said.

I turned towards it and opened my eyes to reveal the voice. Only to be sucked in by the alluring bright blue eyes I know all to well, that belongs to the guy I tried so desperately to forget. Also known as my brothers best friend, Talon West.


Picture on the side is of Talon West.
Again, this was first story! Please give it a chance! I would love some feedback so please vote and comment.

Thanks for reading!


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