Chapter 7: I did it!

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Parker's POV

Damn....why the hell was it so hard to text my mate. I've been sitting on the edge of my bed with my phone in my hand staring at her name in my contacts not knowing what to say.

Me:hey Manda how's it going 🙃

"And send"I shut my eyes so tight it hurts but I don't care... I'm too nervous to.

Beep my phone went off. Hurriedly I opened the message and it's from my Manda.

A:hey Parker I'm good 😒

Me: okk so ugh wryd (what are you doing)

A:ditching skl to get some sleep 😴

Me: ok I'll leave you alone to get some rest.
Me:txt me when you're not tired... okay?

A:ok thx
A:sure np....bye 👋

Me: okay bye babe



Me:shit!! I'm sorry

A: don't worry about it... I was just surprised that's all

Me: TTYL (talk to you later)



I finally did it!!!!

I can't believe it and she didn't even tell me to go fuck myself or snap at me for my little slip up. I have training right now but I don't think I could face the pack with this goofy grin spreaded across my face.

**At training**

"Yo, Malone sup bro?!" Xavier yelled at me from across the training grounds.

"Hey dude, how's it going?"

"I'm good bro but what's up with that goofy look on your face?"holy fuck!!!!

"It's nothing don't worry about it, what you been up to? I haven't seen you around lately, what's going on?"I changed the subject but in all honesty I was curious.

"I...uh I've been.... around but uh...the thing is the other day when you asked me to keep an eye on Amanda well...."he's a nervous reck, Xav only bit his finger nails when he's nervous or doesn't know what to say. And right now, I doubt he has any finger nail left.

"Xav what's wrong? You're my best friend,you know you can tell me anything,right?"

"I know that but I'm not ready. I'll tell you after practice,ok bro?"he's scared of something.

"Ok man but remember that I'm here for you,"I patted his back.

"Thanks man."

The three hours of practice went by in a flash and Xavier hasn't been focusing at all. If you haven't realized Xav is my best friend and future beta so his fighting skills,his speed and strength are above a regular wolf's. And he's hitting the ground faster than an omega,now I have to find out what's going on with him. I have to stop training now before this gets serious.

"Enough! Practice is over, you're all dismissed!"my voice boomed and in return I got some 'yes' and 'yes alpha'.

"Xav let's go,we need to talk."

Without looking back I walked out of forest and into the pack house then to my room. A couple seconds after reaching to my room I see him walking in so I plopped down on my bed while tapping my foot waiting for an explanation. A few minutes past by and neither of us said anything; I decided to break the silence.


"So what?"

"Dude would you mind explaining to me what's going on with you? You aren't focused ---- dude a warrior took you down in two minutes! What the hell is going on? I wanna know and I wanna know now!"I ended up yelling at him in the end.

"I'm sorry, I just have a lot on my mind and your not helping the matter by yelling!"he yelled back.

"Ok I get the point but in all honesty we're both yelling,"I'm trying not to laugh because we don't have anything to yell about and he's telling me to stop yelling and he's also yelling.

"Parker I'm not joking around here. I'm serious about what's going on and I don't wanna lose my best friend because of my situation so....."

"Xavier your scaring me because you only call me by my first name when your serious. Dude I've known you ever since we were born, we've been through so much together and I would never abundant you when you need me the most. So go ahead and get it off your chest ---- no criticism,no judgement or will I see you differently."

" uhm.....w-when I was at the restaurant that Amanda work's, I saw her with this guy," when he mentioned another guy,my jaws began to clench and my wolf wanted to hunt him down and rip his heart from his chest. But then a suppressed growl brought me back to reality. My head snapped up to the source of the noise only to see that Xavier is in defense mode ----- his claws has extended and his wolf is fighting for control.

"Derrick (Xavier's wolf)  give Xavier back full control,"I used my alpha tone on him and he quietly but hesitantly gave back control.

"What the fuck was that?"I questioned.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you. That guy I told you I saw her with is her best friend and also uhm......shit! Why the fuck is it so difficult to say,"he was yelling one second then wispering the next.

"What's so hard to say?"

"He's m....."

And just as he was about to tell me the door flew open by one of the warrior's looking frantic.

"Alpha we have a problem, we're under attack by rogues and they're at the south entrance!"

"Let's go!"


There you have it folks. Another parker's POV and wasn't it fun. Please support me and my books.

But all who have already been supportive of my books thank you from the bottom of my books (heart).

See you in the next chapter BYE 👋

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