01~A Broken Core

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"This way, my love." A man in gray clothing whispered to the woman who wore a red cloak over her body while her arms protectively snaked around their baby.

"I can sense them, love." The woman said in a quiet voice. A quiet yet pained voice. Knowing that their pursuers are mere meters away from them.

"Yes, I know but we cannot simply do anything. Those men were sent by my traitorous brother. They are highly trained killers." The man said as he gently pushed his wife inside a waterfall. After a few seconds, glyphs with weird symbols illuminated the dark area behind the falling water as the man went through it which drenched him just as badly as his wife. "I know that you want to fight back, but you are simply not in the best condition, my dear. I cannot risk it."

"But they will take our child." The woman almost shouted but she had enough control to stop herself from doing it. "Our child that I just gave birth to just a few days ago. They will kill her and you know it. They will not spare her after they kill us."

"I know... and we cannot escape this. With how much my plotting brother wants us dead, escaping this is improbable. He will do anything to get rid of us." The man said as he stood guard behind the waterfall while his wife tends to the sleeping baby in her arms. "Even our most trusted people have fallen to my bastard of a brother. He must have used something against them to make them betray us at the drop of a hat."

"I know, but-"

The woman shuts her mouth and her husband's hands glow red as potent magic envelopes them. Footsteps that are so silent were heard by the couple behind the waterfall and they were nearing their location.

The two can only brace themselves for what is about to hit them.

{•===Yoru Town===•}

Issho Yuzuki is a simple man living in a simple village near the beach. Hailing from the Yoru Village of the country Argus which is located in the far south of Apollo, he lived a pretty rough childhood.

Strict parents with such high expectations that he could not achieve for they are simply too high for him to even reach. Constant harsh words from said parents and the way they compare him to the other children. They made it clear that he was such a disgrace to their family name.

But he did not care for their words. He wanted to pursue what he wants and not what they wanted. He wanted to be a coffin maker and here he is now. A coffin maker in Yoru Village.

29 years old and alone after moving out of his mother and father's house. They perished not long ago but Issho was quick to move on. He mourned them, yes, but he had better things to do than mourn all his life.

Right now, the tall black-haired man huffs as he drops the logs of wood on the side of the road. With a short sigh, he sits on a log and watched the sunset as he wipes the sweat dripping down his face using the hem of the old dirtied white t-shirt he is wearing.

Plucking the metallic water bottle from his belt, Issho took a big gulp of cool water. His eyes were glued to the beautiful colors given by the setting sun. He always loves watching sunsets. But today seems to be different.

His blue eyes narrowed on the beach's waters.

"What in the world is that?" Issho stands up before setting down his bottle and slowly walking towards the water after dropping it down the road. "A basket?"

Issho broke into a light jog as the basket made out of plant fiber nears the sandy beach. It did not take long before the basket reaches the shore.

The man stares at it before something clicked into his mind. There is a white cloth in the basket. Issho crouches down before slowly bringing his hand to the white piece of cloth to see if something is beneath it. But he did not get the chance to even touch the fabric.

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