02~Unfortunate Events

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"Natsu, can you open the door for me, please?" Issho said while he leans forward to the door of his daughter's room.

It has been almost a week since Natsu received the breaking news about her magic core. It broke the girl more than he expected which honestly makes his heart twist in sadness to see his lively, energetic daughter so... not herself. It pains Issho to see her sulking.

"It's already open, papa..." The muffled voice of Natsu cane from the other side of the door. Words are more drawn out than normal and their gloominess from them can be heard.

"I'm coming in then," Issho said before opening the door of his daughter's room. There he sees that Natsu is on her bed with her face planted on the white sheets while a pile of pillows hides her upper body. "You okay there, bud?" The father asks as he sits on the side of the bed while Natsu peeks out of the pillows.

"No... I'm not okay, papa. It's so not fair... not at all." The kid sobs while Issho looks into her eyes. They are now reddish because of all the crying she has been doing.

"Yes, I know it's not fair," Issho said with a sad smile while caressing Natsu's back. "But are you giving up now? What happened to the Natsu I know?" Hearing the questions, the little girl sighs quite shakily.

"I... I don't know what to do right now, papa." Natsu admitted before sitting beside Issho, making the tower of pillows fall. "I honestly don't know, papa. I feel... helpless and scared. I don't have magic. How am I gonna be a monster slayer if I don't have magic?"

In all honesty, Issho does not know as well which made something inside of him twist upon knowing that he cannot even answer his daughter's question. His eyes glisten as he forces the tears to stop themselves from falling while his hand keeps caressing Natsu's head.

"Papa, I don't know if I can even be a monster slayer. I want to be one but without magic to even defend myself, I won't be able to do it." The girl says while tears keep falling down her cheeks and onto her lap.

"Natsu... I know that not having magic will greatly affect the career that you want but... please don't give up on yourself." Her father said in a shaky voice, clearly trying his best to not cry while comforting his crying daughter.

"But, papa! Without magic to defend against monsters or even heal people, I can't become a monster slayer!" The kid wailed before almost choking between her sobs. "I... I don't even know if I can become anything right now! I'm useless! I'm-"

"Shut up," Issho said as he grabs Natsu and pulled her towards him, making her head rest on his lap. Stopping Natsu from continuing whatever she was about to say. "Shut it, Natsu. You, my daughter, are not useless. You're far from that and you'll never become useless. Do you understand?"


"I said, do you understand, Natsu?" The man asks in a more serious tone, he almost growled but the falling tears from his eyes betray the seriousness of his voice.

The girl turns her head to see her father shedding tears while still caressing her head. Seeing that her father will not take any other answer than yes, she slowly looks away before whispering, "Yes..."

"What did you just say, Natsu?" Issho said, trying to lift the mood as soon as he can do it. "I think my age is catching up to me and making my sense of hearing go bad. Do you mind repeating your answer?" Natsu might not be looking at him but she sure knows that he is already smiling which made her lips slightly quiver up.

"I said yes, I understand what you said, papa." The kid says while trying to suppress a giggle from escaping her lips. She then felt her father gently pinch her cheek.

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