Chapter 2

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After a few weeks of heavily thinking about it, Natasha finally came to a decision. It was hard to decide, listing the pros and cons even though she didn't have any clue of what the two had planned.

She made herself to the lab to meet them. Since the lab was mostly used by Tony and Bruce only, the floor was always looked creepy.

Tony was facing back from the door. He was always fixing or upgrading his suits whenever they didn't have any missions, or parties.

She glanced around for Bruce but she didn't see him so she just pushed the door and walked in.

"Where's Bruce?" She asked making Tony jump at his seat.

"Oh shit."

She smirked and went to lean against the wall.

"Oh God, you almost make me burn my hand, you know." He scoffed. "Bruce? He just went down to the kitchen for snacks. Why are you looking for him?"

"I'm looking for both of you, actually."

He stopped at what he was doing and looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Umm about what you said to me, uhm you know, about the experiment of yours-" Natasha started.

"Do you have a decision by now?" Tony asked curiously.

"Let me finish, Stark." She glared sharply at him.

He raised his hands allowing her to continue.

"Oh hey Nat." Bruce's voice was heard behind her as he made himself into the lab with a mug on his hand.

Natasha turned to him, "I want to get pregnant."

Bruce almost dropped her mug with her sudden bold answer that he and Tony had waited since the first they asked her a few weeks ago.

"U-uhh okay, let me find the file first." Bruce said shakily as he made his way to his work table.

Natasha crossed her arms as she tapped her foot while waiting for Bruce. Tony also seemed to join him on his side.

"So, how does this work? You both know I don't have any reproductive thing to actually make me pregnant." She asked curiously.

"Ahh there it is." Tony tapped on the screen and showed her the plan he had with Bruce.

"We had worked for it in months, something called synthesized embryo where we can use your own DNA so that it will actually be your biological kid. And for the uterus, I think I have successfully made a so-called clone uterus but we need to get you to surgery to put these and test it to make sure the embryo will grow strongly inside you."

Bruce explained to her with a full English language as other than him and Tony, all the Avengers did not understand all those weird science language.

She examined and read the procedure carefully and she didn't want to miss a word regarding it.

"What are the risks?"

"I need to have a full scan of your lower abdomen first to take a look at what we are dealing with. Once we know, we can start to plan the procedure and the risks to put the uterus in."

She couldn't believe that she will get pregnant by this procedure. But she didn't care anymore. By this second, she just wanted a child of her own more than anything, to have her own real family.

"Shit, lets do this. I hope this will work or I will kill you both." Natasha smirked as she saw the two of them gulped at the thought of it.

"Very funny Romanoff." Tony mumbled before continuing.

"We need your blood for this first." He said while picking up a syringe to retrieve a small amount of Natasha's blood on her arm.

After a few minutes more on discussing procedures and the dates, Natasha headed down to the kitchen, feeling hungry as it was already lunch time.

Before she entered the kitchen, the smells of chili filled her nose. Wanda was cooking with Vision helping her, well not surprising at all.

"Smells good" Natasha said as she walked in.

"Hey Nat, you want some?" Wanda asked but before Natasha could answer, she already filled a bowl with it.

"Guess I didn't have a choice."

Natasha chuckled and she grabbed the bowl of chili that Wanda gave her. Wanda smiled when she saw Natasha's happy face again as she knew she was not in the mood for a few weeks without knowing the reason.

The rest of the team slowly came down to eat lunch after their own morning activities. Natasha didn't see Clint in the crowd so probably he was with his family as they didn't have missions at the moment.

Steve pulled a chair beside Natasha and gave her a 'How does it go?' look. Only him knew about this other than Tony and Bruce and she wanted it to stay that way for a while.

She nodded with a slight smile to hide her excitement from the others. She finished the meal first and headed to the common room first to watch TV before Steve came a few minutes after and took the seat on the same couch as her.

"So when?" He asked curiously.

"Whoa chillax Rogers. It's like you are the one who's facing this." She chuckled, pushing Steve's shoulder a little.

"Of course I can't chill. You finally going to have a baby soon. I bet this place will be full of babbling when your kid is growing."

"Who's gonna have a baby?"

Natasha and Steve turned their heads to the owner of the voice and Natasha glared back at Steve sharply. If only the look she gave could make a hole on his face.

"Uhh nothing. No one is having a baby." Steve said shakily as he side-eyed the redhead.

"Don't lie to me Steven Rogers. I have known you since the 40s."

Of course it was Bucky, his best friend since they were still kids.

"I really would kill you now Steve but this news is an exception." Natasha taunted.

Steve raised his hands in defeat while mouthing sorry to her.

"Yes guys, if it works, I will have a baby soon. Tony and Bruce came out with a procedure to make me pregnant."

"You can't get pregnant?!" Sam asked in confusion.

He had heard the conversation before he entered the common room followed by Thor, Wanda, Vision, Pietro and others.

"Long story guys. Longggg story." Steve covered for Natasha.

"You can't tell us?" Wanda asked with a low tone.


Posted on 2nd December 2021

Edited on 19th February 2023

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