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Lol don't know if i wrote a vacation one but oh well here we go! 🤣
Y/n is a girl in this but if you want y/n to be a boy you can change that if you want to 😁


It has been so extremely boring at the agency for the past couple of months. Like when i say boring i mean...... BORING! I HAVE BEEN LAYING ON MY BED FOR WHAT FEELS LIKE A YEAR!
well i can't really complain about it, after all at least I don't do any stupid work so i guess that's a plus. I thought i would play some games on my ps5 (bestie she has midas as a boyfriend what you expect 🤣) i was playing some games until i heard a knock on my door. "oh for lords sake. COME IN!" I said. The door opened and it was midas. Oh snap what have i done now?

Midas pov

I was quite excited to tell y/n about the vacation i had planned for all the agents. All of them have been working so hard lately i thought i would give them a reward. Especially y/n she has been working the hardest. A lot of people would say i would be just say that because 'y/n my girlfriend' well if i am honest only skye says that but she is only 18 she doesn't really know what it like to have a relationship with someone.
I was walking up to y/n door and knocked it. I heard her say come in and i entered.

Y/n pov

Midas entered my room and cleared his throat. I. Was. Shiting. Myself! I was so terrified. "y/n i am here to inform you that...Y/N WE ARE GOING ON A VACATION!!" skye interrupted midas and gave me a big hug! "thank you skye for interrupting me i really appreciate it." midas said as he rolled his eyes. "Ahhh yasssss" i screamed hugging skye back. Midas covered his ears "glad to see your both excited!" he said trying to shout over us. Me and skye just kept on screaming with excitement. Then midas walked off.

Midas pov
I thought it would be a good idea to leave the two of them to pack all of there things to go but most to let my ears calm down before they explode with all the noise. I walked to my room and i noticed that tntina was packing. I looked in her room and there was a mountain of clothes in her suitcase. I had a feeling i was gonna collapse at any moment. "tntina..... We are only going for a week..." u said. "well.... yeah i know that but you never know what could happen, like shadow could secretly attack us so i packed body armor just in case. I also packed some warm clothes just incase. it might snow you know." tntina replied. "tina......we are going on a beach....... It summer...............just.......why?"i said question why i said anything." well boss when something happens 1.i will shout I TOLD YA SO.  2. At least i am prepared for anything." tina said."..... Ok.... Have fun" i said as i walked off not wanting to hear any more of her. I suddenly heard "AHHHHHHH HELP I HAVE BEEN COVERED IN A AVALANCHE OF CLOTHES!" it was tina. I laughed and shouted. "I TOLD YOU THAT YOU DON'T NEED ALL THAT STUFF!" " SHUT UP BOSS!" I heard tina shout back to me.

Still midas pov
I made it back to my room and started packing my bag. I just packed the thing i actually need. Unlike Tina. I just packed swimming shorts, some cool clothes, sunglasses, sunscreen, shoes, my phone. I finished packing and headed out to the main entrance to see bob the security guard keeping a watch full eye out for anyone who could be a threat to the agency. "ah boss, ready for you vacation i see!" bob commented. Bob is a very good worker and if it wasn't for him i would never had meet y/n. "oh yeah i am i jjst hope for a peaceful week off." i replied. "well not too peaceful with y/n around." bob said as he winked at me. I laughed and said "yeah i suppose thats true!" "well you deserve this vacation boss, hope you have a wonderful time!" bob said. "thanks bob!" i said as i walked off and made my way to tge boat. I hoped in a set my bags down on the floor. "right then. Is everyone ready to go!" brutus said. "yeah i think we got everything." skye said. "WAIT!! WAIT FOR ME!" I heard tina heard tina shout as she ran down the stairs. "BRUTUS DRIVE!! IF YOU DRIVE NOW I WILL GIVE YOU A BIG PROMOTION! JUST DRIVE!" I shouted. Unfortunately it was to late and tina had got onto the boat. "dam it." i said under my breath. "uhhh well tina i am not gonna question your.... Ummm life choices shall we call it but anyway now are we ready to go." brutus said. "yep we are all ready." y/n said. Then brutus drives off.

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