A Long Day Of Work

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So this is the official first one shot of this book

Midas pov

"Tina get in my office now" I yelled
Tina came into my office with a slow and bored like walk "yeah boss what do you want" Tina said. "I have had it with you Tina I sent you out on one mission to do one job." "yeah boss I know but I had to do something because chic threated to take over the whole agency, I don't know how she was going to do it by her self but she got what she deserved!" Tina said preventing midas from continuing has sentence "YOU FREAKING KARATE KICKED HER INTO A VOLCANO TINA YOU WERE MEANT TO BRING HER HERE SO WE CAN GET INFORMATION ON SHADOW YOU FREAKING IDIOT!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

(Time skip because yes)
Still Midas pov
It was 1.30am and I was still up working thanks to Tina. She was fighting me for 7 hours. "OK midas this is the last paper I got to sign and the I can go to bed and sleep cuddled up to my baby girl." I thought. You see I'm in a relationship with (y/n). She was my agent until she fell on me and her big boobs landed on my face I couldn't breathe. Oh the memories of her I think about. I remember when I confessed my love for her, her face lit up like a light bulb. "OK I am done and I only go 5 hours left to cuddle up with (y/n) well I better make the most of it." I thought as I rushed to the bedroom. As I walked in I saw (y/n) sleeping calmly under the covers. I walked over and kissed he four head, then made my way to the closet and grabbed black pj bottoms and decided not to put a top on because it was kinda warm in the bedroom tonight. I got into bed and wrapped a arm around (y/n), I was about to drop off into dream land until I felt my hand hold something. I was somewhat round bot has a weird thing on top. "what the heck is this. " I thought until
"baby what are you doing,why are you grabbing my boob" (y/n) said rubbing her eyes. I had grabbed her boob. "oh sweetheart I.. I was just." I couldn't think of what to say so I just said the first thing that came to my head. "I grabbed your boob because I... I wanted to have sex with you." I am dumb for saying that why midas. "well, if you wanted it you should have just asked." (y/n) said with lust in her eyes.


(y/n) climbed on top of m and started to kiss my neck. "um (y/n) baby girl maybe we should do this well tomorrow maybe because well.... I am a bit tired now from all of the work I have done l." I said trying to sound tired after all I don't want to have sex tonight but she was turning me on so bad. "baby I thought you wanted to have sex with me tonight." (y/n) said and I could tell she wanted it, because she was giving me puppy eyes and she knows that puppy eyes are my only weakness. "oh well OK I kinda want this to." I said. (y/n) giggled and started to pull my pj bottoms down and that's when I realised that SHE WAS COMPLETELY NAKED. She pulled domw my pj bottoms and my dick popped up. "oh looks like I got a big boy tonight." (y/n) said with a devilish smile. I blushed in response. (y/n) started to suck my cock. "ah~baby~ooh~yeah suck it like a lollipop~oh yeah like that." I cried out in pleasure. "hpmh~mmm." was all that (y/n) could say. I felt my dick twitch. "ah~baby I'm g-going to cum." and seconds l came right in her mouth. "gosh baby that was so good." I said panting. (y/n) looked a t me and said yeah.... Well goodnight." and fell asleep. I chucked and said to myself" that girl." cuddled up to her and fell asleep alongside (y/n).

I hope you enjoyed the first one short there will be one tomorrow so look out for that but for now goodbye 😁

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