Mission 😏

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So yeah this again yay I'm am back 😅

"(y/n) please report to the meeting room immediately the boss wants to see you." rook said over a  microphone.

"ah shit what did I do now!" (y/n) thought as she made here way to the meeting room. As she was walking down stairs to get there she thought about what she had done. "um maybe I forgot to put a gun back or I missed training or what if I-" (y/n) was snapped out of her thoughts as she realised she was about to hit the door.
"OK (y/n) it will be OK..... I hope." (y/n) as she knocked the door. "come in." midas said. (y/n) walked in.

"oh (y/n) thanks for coming in so I need to tell you something." midas said. "look boss I'm so sorry for what I did,I did not mean to do it please except my apologies and don't give me a punishment I beg of you!" (y/n) begged on her hands and knees. "(y/n) I was just saying about us going on a mission together."midas said." really!? "(y/n) said. " yes is there a problem with that? " midas asked." yay I get to go on a mission oh yeah- oh um thank you sir midas." (y/n) said happily." that's OK now go pack some stuff because our mission is in a hotel." midas said. (y/n) exploded with excitement. She ran out of the meeting room and went to her room to pack some stuff.

When she packed all her stuff she went to midas car and they drove off." so midas are you excited?"(y/n) asked.
" well sure I guess so,I have done a lot of Missons like this so I'm not extremely excited like you are." midas replied while keeping his eyes on the road. (y/n) giggled in response. About 1 hour later (y/n) and midas arrived at the hotel and checked in they entered there room. (y/n) dive on the bed and midas started to unpack." (y/n) I know this is not a good time but I need to tell you this." midas said as he stopped unpacking and sat down on the bed. "what is it?" (y/n) asked lifting her head up to meet his gaze. "well um there is no mission." midas replied. "oh well why are we here?" (y/n) asked. "Well um this going to sound so unprofessional but I love you like a lot and I was wondering if you wanted to go out with m-" midas was cut off by (y/n) smashing her lips on to his. (y/n) grabbed onto midas tie, pulling him down on the bed. Midas took his clothes off and so did (y/n) they broke free from the kiss and then.

Tntina pov

" this is a great book."
*(y/n) moaning* ah~oh yeah midas~ah mmmm yes go on baby yes
*midas moaning* oh yeah baby girl you are so tight oh fuck yeah take it you little slut.

"you know what........... FUCK MY LIFE!

and that's the end again sorry I was gone for so long I forgot about this book and school sucks but I'm back so yay! 😁😁😁😁😁

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