New Book

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Hey everyone!

Sorry it's been a long time since I've updated this story but i hope all of you had a good Christmas and happy new year or if you don't celebrate Christmas or new year i hope you had a good year.

But i have a new book oit its a steve Harrington fan fiction story and its up right now so i hope you all do read that.

I know a lot of people still like this book so it's not totally discontinued but its definitely not going to be updated as much as the steve Harrington one because I am not into midas anymore but i still will update this book once in a while I'm sorry this took so long but i hope you all read my other book but i hope you all still read this.

I will release a part to this book very soon as early as tonight but i hope that you all are doing okay and thanks for reading!


Ps~ if anyone still has requests for this book i will still do them! :)

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